Undefined method (noMethodError)

I'm new to ruby coming from Java/C#.
I keep on getting an error "undefined method `nextcell' for
TestClass:Class (NoMethodError)" , when i try to run the code below.
if somebody can provide some insight, that would be appreciated.

class TestClass

    def nextcell

        col = 'A'
        row = 1
        maxCol = 'H'
        maxRow = 5

        if (col < maxCol)
            myNextCell = col + row.to_s
            col = col.next
            puts("Next Cell is #{myNextCell}")
            return myNextCell
            myNextCell = col + row.to_s
            return myNextCell


The reason why i'm calling method nextcell() twice is to see if the
state of the variable has changed. is this the right approach or are my
variable declartions incorrect?



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Parv G wrote:

I'm new to ruby coming from Java/C#.


I keep on getting an error "undefined method `nextcell' for
TestClass:Class (NoMethodError)" , when i try to run the code below.
if somebody can provide some insight, that would be appreciated.

class TestClass

    def nextcell

        col = 'A'
        row = 1
        maxCol = 'H'
        maxRow = 5

        if (col < maxCol)
            myNextCell = col + row.to_s
            col = col.next
            puts("Next Cell is #{myNextCell}")
            return myNextCell
            myNextCell = col + row.to_s
            return myNextCell


The reason why i'm calling method nextcell() twice is to see if the
state of the variable has changed. is this the right approach or are my
variable declartions incorrect?

You defined nextcell (I'd prefer next_cell) as an instance method. You
can only call it on an object of class TestClass.

If you comment the 2 calls to nextcell you can try the following:

tc = TestClass.new
puts tc.nextcell.inspect
puts tc.nextcell.inspect

As you will notice both outputs are the same.

All your variables are local to the method nextcell, no state is changed.

If you want the object to change its content you will have to define
instance variables.

def initialize
  @col = 'A'

In nextcell you have to change all occurences of 'col' to '@col'.


Stefan Mahlitz wrote:

If you want the object to change its content you will have to define
instance variables.

def initialize
  @col = 'A'

In nextcell you have to change all occurences of 'col' to '@col'.


Thanks Stefan.

After using the instance variables through out i'm still getting the
same results for both of method class; the variable value is not
Here's the code:
class TestClass
    def initilize
        @col = 'A'
        @row = 1
        @maxCol = 'H'
        @maxRow = 5
        @myNextCell = ''
    def nextcell

        @col = 'A'
        @row = 1
        @maxCol = 'H'
        @maxRow = 5

        if (@col < @maxCol)
            @myNextCell = @col + @row.to_s
            @col = @col.next
            puts("Next Cell is #{@myNextCell}")
            return @myNextCell
            @myNextCell = @col + @row.to_s
            return @myNextCell

tc = TestClass.new
puts tc.nextcell.inspect
puts tc.nextcell.inspect

Thanks, appreciate your help.


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Um, that's because you reset @col to 'A' every time you call nextcell.

get rid of that line in nextcell


On Jun 16, 2006, at 4:25 PM, Parv G wrote:

Stefan Mahlitz wrote:

If you want the object to change its content you will have to define
instance variables.

def initialize
  @col = 'A'

In nextcell you have to change all occurences of 'col' to '@col'.


Thanks Stefan.

After using the instance variables through out i'm still getting the
same results for both of method class; the variable value is not
Here's the code:

Parv G wrote:

Stefan Mahlitz wrote:

If you want the object to change its content you will have to define
instance variables.

def initialize
  @col = 'A'

In nextcell you have to change all occurences of 'col' to '@col'.


Thanks Stefan.

After using the instance variables through out i'm still getting the
same results for both of method class; the variable value is not
Here's the code:
class TestClass
    def initilize

this should be initialize

        @col = 'A'
        @row = 1
        @maxCol = 'H'
        @maxRow = 5
        @myNextCell = ''
    def nextcell

        @col = 'A'
        @row = 1
        @maxCol = 'H'
        @maxRow = 5

You need to get rid of the 4 lines above.

        if (@col < @maxCol)
            @myNextCell = @col + @row.to_s
            @col = @col.next
            puts("Next Cell is #{@myNextCell}")
            return @myNextCell
            @myNextCell = @col + @row.to_s
            return @myNextCell

tc = TestClass.new
puts tc.nextcell.inspect
puts tc.nextcell.inspect

move the 3 lines below the end


This is what I meant:

class TestClass
  # this method is executed if you call TestClass.new
  def initialize
    @col = 'A'
    @row = 1
    @maxCol = 'H'
    @maxRow = 5
    @myNextCell = ''

  def next_cell
    if (@col < @maxCol)
      @myNextCell = @col + @row.to_s
      @col = @col.next
      puts("Next cell is #{@myNextCell}")
      @row = @row.next
      @myNextCell = @col + @row.to_s
      @col = @col.next # this looks wrong
      # (@col increases on every call of
      # next_cell, maybe it should be reset to default ('A')?)
    return @myNextCell

tc = TestClass.new
puts tc.inspect
p tc
cellB1 = tc.next_cell
puts cellB1.inspect
puts tc.inspect

Um, that's because you reset @col to 'A' every time you call nextcell.

get rid of that line in nextcell

getting rid line *** @col = 'A' *** results in variable @col being nil.
And i can't compare nil with @maxCol (@maxCol = 'H').


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This is what I meant:

Thanks a lot Stefan.


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That's because you spelled 'initialize' incorrectly.

matthew smillie.


On Jun 16, 2006, at 21:47, Parv G wrote:

Um, that's because you reset @col to 'A' every time you call nextcell.

get rid of that line in nextcell

getting rid line *** @col = 'A' *** results in variable @col being nil.
And i can't compare nil with @maxCol (@maxCol = 'H').

Parv G wrote:

Um, that's because you reset @col to 'A' every time you call nextcell.

get rid of that line in nextcell

getting rid line *** @col = 'A' *** results in variable @col being nil.
And i can't compare nil with @maxCol (@maxCol = 'H').

This is because you mistyped initialize (I always do this). If you
define @col in initialize it will be happy to be available through all
instance methods.


That's because you spelled 'initialize' incorrectly.

matthew smillie.

Bummer. That'll do it... "The longer it takes to a solve a problem the
sillier the solution"


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