Undefine Method Only Marks the Method Undefined


According to the book Programming Ruby by Dave Thomas, "an
undefined method still exists - it is simply marked as being undefined."
Why is it not completely removed?

I find this somewhat related to the fact that an object still cannot be
dumped after "undefing" its singleton methods.

obj = Object.new

def obj.foo

p obj.respond_to? :foo # => true

class << obj
  undef foo

p obj.respond_to? :foo # => true

Marshal.dump(obj) # => error


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Hi Su,

The difference between undef_method and remove_method is, as you
point out, that undef_method marks the method as undefined.

This difference is most simply demonstrated with inheritance: if method dispatch reaches an
undefined method, it stops looking for the method and gives an error. However,
remove_method eliminates the method entirely, and the next ancestor will then
be considered.

In code:
class A
  def foo; 'foo'; end
  def bar; 'bar'; end
class B < A
  def foo; 'B foo'; end
  def bar; 'B bar'; end

  remove_method :foo
  undef_method :bar
class C < B

C.new.foo #=> 'foo'
C.new.bar #=> NoMethodError: undefined method `bar' for #<C:0x0000010161f7e0>

Regarding Marshal.dump, If you use remove_method instead of undef_method, you will
in fact be able to dump the object again:

obj = Object.new
def obj.foo

Marshal.dump(obj) #=> TypeError: singleton can't be dumped

class << obj
  remove_method :foo

Marshal.dump(obj) #=> "\x04\bo:\vObject\x00"

The (simplified) technical reason why undef_method doesn't work and remove_method does,
regarding Marshal.dump, is that undef_method leaves the undefined flag as additional state
in the singleton class, whereas remove_method will leave `obj` with an empty singleton class,
identical to Object.

Hope this helps,

Michael Edgar


On Apr 17, 2011, at 6:37 PM, Su Zhang wrote:


According to the book Programming Ruby by Dave Thomas, "an
undefined method still exists - it is simply marked as being undefined."
Why is it not completely removed?

I find this somewhat related to the fact that an object still cannot be
dumped after "undefing" its singleton methods.

obj = Object.new

def obj.foo

p obj.respond_to? :foo # => true

class << obj
undef foo

p obj.respond_to? :foo # => true

Marshal.dump(obj) # => error

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

I assume because the intuition is that undefining a method on an object
means the object should raise the undefined error when you try to call it.
But simply removing it would not prevent Ruby from finding an inherited
version of the method.


o = Object.new

o.to_s # => "#<Object:0x0000010086a460>"

def o.to_s

o.to_s # => "o#to_s"

class << o
  remove_method :to_s

o.to_s # => "#<Object:0x0000010086a460>"

It still has a to_s method, because it inherits one from Object. What if you
want it to not respond to that one? You can't undefine the method on object,
or every object loses it's inherited to_s method. So you need to interrupt
dispatch when this method is called. Hence undef simply raises the same
error you would have gotten if it hadn't found the method:

o = Object.new

o.to_s # => "#<Object:0x0000010086a488>"

def o.to_s

o.to_s # => "o#to_s"

class << o
  undef :to_s

o.to_s # =>
# ~> -:15:in `<main>': undefined method `to_s' for
#<Object:0x0000010086a488> (NoMethodError)


On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 5:37 PM, Su Zhang <zhangsu@live.com> wrote:


According to the book Programming Ruby by Dave Thomas, "an
undefined method still exists - it is simply marked as being undefined."
Why is it not completely removed?

I find this somewhat related to the fact that an object still cannot be
dumped after "undefing" its singleton methods.

obj = Object.new

def obj.foo

p obj.respond_to? :foo # => true

class << obj
undef foo

p obj.respond_to? :foo # => true

Marshal.dump(obj) # => error

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

Thank you - Michael and Josh, now this makes perfect sense to me. It's
funny how I wasn't aware of the existence of `remove_method' at all!


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.