Unable run \copy command via PGconn.( exec || query )

Hi ,
   I am facing problem while executing following code :

  require 'postgres'
obj = PGconn.new( '',5432 ,'','','tikono','tikono','tikono'
a = "\\COPY
from ./backupFiles/ivr_interface.call_flow.new WITH DELIMITER '$' NULL
p a
obj.exec( a )
p obj.methods

Error :
query.rb:5:in `exec': ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1
  from query.rb:5

If I use "\copy ..." , Instead of "\\copy" then I got
query.rb:3: Invalid escape character syntax
a = "\COPY
from ./backupFiles/ivr_interface.call_flow.new WITH DELIMITER '$' NULL

   Note : Not PGERROR

If I use ,
from ./backupFiles/ivr_interface.call_flow.new WITH DELIMITER \'$\'
NULL \'nil\''

I got the Error as ,
query.rb:5:in `exec': ERROR: syntax error at or near "\" at character 1
  from query.rb:5

Can anyone tell me How to escape this \copy in PGconn.( query|| exec )
method ?


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