Is this a bug?
I'm trying to get ruby to format a date, time or datetime to the proper
format for xmltv.
they key is in the timezone - I want it in +0100 format.
So look at this irb session.
First create some summer and winter dates in the form of Date, Time and
DateTime - they all have a time component but this always comes out
zeroed in Date.strftime as expected.
Im concentrating on the %z here because that's what's supposed to give
me the +0100 that I want.
Okay now lets create some summer and winter times:
irb(main):001:0> require 'date'
=> true
### Summer
irb(main):005:0> d_summer = Date.parse("1 August 2006 15:25")
=> #<Date: 4907897/2,0,2299161>
irb(main):006:0> t_summer = Time.parse("1 August 2006 15:25")
=> Tue Aug 01 15:25:00 GMT Daylight Time 2006
irb(main):007:0> dt_summer = DateTime.parse("1 August 2006 15:25")
=> #<DateTime: 706737353/288,0,2299161>
### Winter
irb(main):008:0> d_winter = Date.parse("1 November 2006 15:25")
=> #<Date: 4908081/2,0,2299161>
irb(main):009:0> t_winter = Time.parse("1 November 2006 15:25")
=> Wed Nov 01 15:25:00 GMT Standard Time 2006
irb(main):010:0> dt_winter = DateTime.parse("1 November 2006 15:25")
=> #<DateTime: 706763849/288,0,2299161>
### Now format the times
irb(main):011:0> d_winter.strftime('%z')
=> "+0000"
irb(main):012:0> d_summer.strftime('%z')
=> "+0000"
irb(main):013:0> t_winter.strftime('%z')
=> "GMT Standard Time"
irb(main):014:0> t_summer.strftime('%z')
=> "GMT Daylight Time"
irb(main):015:0> dt_winter.strftime('%z')
=> "+0000"
irb(main):016:0> dt_summer.strftime('%z')
=> "+0000"
See what's happening: Time always gives the full string for the
timezone, and it correctly varies it for summer versus winter: "GMT
Standard Time" vs "GMT Daylight Time"
Now Date, and DateTime give me the numeric format I wanted. The winter
format is correct for me - I'm on GMT in winter, but look at the Summer
format: _it's the same as for Winter_
It seems to me that if Time.strftime makes the difference, then Date and
DateTime should too.
I expected to see +0100 for the summer times. And so does my Media
Center for that matter, so this will cause my EPG to be off by an hour
unless I correct it myself.
Anyone else noticed this?
I understand the system strftime is used by ruby, so I guess it might be
in Windows (I'm using XP). I haven't programmed in C on this windows
box, but I have in C#, and there I get the correct result from
dateTime.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss zzzz"), which no-doubt is using some
.Net framework version of the time routine, not the same one as ruby.
Anyway, this is a bug right?
Is it specific to windows (XP, SP2 is what I'm using)
If it is a bug is it fixed or fixable?
Is there an easy way to correct - it? A different Time support class?
(I was thinking of just parsing the output from Time.strftime for the
"Daylight" and creating my own string.
(I'm in Portugal by the way, and writing this during daylight savings at
the end of March, so my current tz is GMT Daylight Time - same as the
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