I've been trying to implement (client-side) Digest Authentication
capabilities to Net:HTTP (as stated in RFC2617) and am having trouble
modifying the headers before I send the request to the server.
So far I'm just starting, and am relatively new to ruby. But I am able
to request a page from the server, receive the 401 Forbidden message,
and extract the needed information from the header. Now I use that
information, plus a username and password to formulate a proper header
to use in my next request. But I don't know how to do that.
ugly code below:
require 'net/http'
require 'digest/md5'
def unq(str) // unquote a string
str.gsub(/"/, '')
def unwrap(wstr) // unserialize the auth header value into a hash
wa_hash = Hash.new
wa_ary = wstr.split /, /
wa_ary.each do |str|
k,v = str.split '='
wa_hash[k] = v
return wa_hash
def wrap(whsh) // serialize a hash for use as a Auth header value
str = String.new
whsh.each do |k ,v|
if(k == "qop" || k == "nc")
str += k + '=' + v + ', '
str += k + '="' + v + '", '
return str.chop.chop
response = nil
Net::HTTP.start('', 81) {|http|
response = http.request_get("/hierarch.htm")
response.each_header { |k, v| puts k + ": " + v }
wa_hash = unwrap( response["www-authenticate"] )
wa_hash.each do |k,v|
puts k + ": " + v
dig_resp = Digest::MD5.hexdigest("admin" + ":" +
unq(wa_hash["Digest realm"]) + ":" +
"0000" + ":" +
unq(wa_hash["nonce"]) + ":" +
"00000001" + ":" +
unq("c202ce") + ":" +
unq(wa_hash["qop"]) + ":" +
Digest::MD5.hexdigest( "GET" + ":" + "/hierarch.htm" ))
auth = wrap(Hash["Digest username" => "admin",
"realm" => unq(wa_hash["Digest realm"]),
"nonce" => unq(wa_hash["nonce"]),
"uri" => "/hierarch.htm",
"response" => dig_resp,
"qop" => unq(wa_hash["qop"]),
"nc" => "00000001",
"cnonce" => "c202ce"] )
res = Net::HTTP.start('', 81) {|http|
response = http.head('/hierarch.htm')
response.add_field("Authorization", auth) //not working
puts res.body