Trying to do cvs updates inside back accent environments

I am unable to do: `cd somewhere ; cvs update`

because it doesn't like the cd, and possibly not the ;. I also get a strange
blowup when I do:

      `cvs update somewhere`

where it says: Protocol error: '
Protocol error: 'Directory' missingE Protocol error: 'Directory' missingE

and on and on...

Can you please suggest something. I need to make this work, and I'm not
finding it obvious in any way.


Xeno Campanoli wrote:

Can you please suggest something. I need to make this work, and I'm not
finding it obvious in any way.

Off the top of my head: User full paths for the cvs binary and the target file or directory


James Britt

Dir.chdir, preferably with a block.
irb(main):001:0> Dir.pwd
=> "/Users/logan/Projects/Ruby Experiments"
irb(main):002:0> Dir.chdir("/") { puts Dir.pwd; `ls` }
=> "Applications\nApplications (Mac OS 9)\nDesktop DB\nDesktop DF\nDesktop Folder\nDeveloper\nLibrary\nNetwork\nPrevious Systems\nSystem\nSystem Folder\nTheVolumeSettingsFolder\nUser Guides And Information\nUsers\nVolumes\nautomount\nbin\ncores\ndev\netc\nmach\nmach.sym\nmach_kernel\nprivate\nsbin\nsw\ntmp\nusr\nvar\n"
irb(main):003:0> Dir.pwd
=> "/Users/logan/Projects/Ruby Experiments"

So in your case you would use:
cvs_output = Dir.chdir("somewhere") { `cvs update` }


On Mar 7, 2006, at 5:57 PM, Xeno Campanoli wrote:

I am unable to do: `cd somewhere ; cvs update`

because it doesn't like the cd, and possibly not the ;. I also get a strange
blowup when I do:

      `cvs update somewhere`

where it says: Protocol error: '
Protocol error: 'Directory' missingE Protocol error: 'Directory' missingE

and on and on...

Can you please suggest something. I need to make this work, and I'm not
finding it obvious in any way.
