Trouble with mkfifo and forks

# In a nutshell:
1) Create a pipe
2) Fork twice
3) Each for sends 10 strings over the pipe
4) See what comes out the other side

So, why isn't what I send coming out?

class WaitListTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
  PIPE = "test/wl_pipe"

  def setup
    `rm #{PIPE}`
    `mkfifo #{PIPE}`

  def test_registering_last_race
    term_count = 0
    responses = []
    pids = []

    NUMBER_OF_ORDERS.times do |i|
      pids << Process.fork do
        sleep 1 + (0.1 * i)
        10.times do |a|
"#{RAILS_ROOT}/#{PIPE}", "w+") do |pipe|
            sleep 0.1
            pipe.puts "Fork #{i} - #{a}"
        end"#{RAILS_ROOT}/#{PIPE}", "a") do |pipe|
          sleep 0.1
          pipe.puts "DONE"

    while term_count < NUMBER_OF_ORDERS"#{RAILS_ROOT}/#{PIPE}", "r+") do |pipe|
        val = pipe.gets
        if val.match(/DONE/)
          term_count += 1
          responses << val
    puts responses.sort
    puts responses.count

# output
Fork 0 - 0
Fork 0 - 1
Fork 0 - 2
Fork 0 - 3
Fork 0 - 4
Fork 0 - 5
Fork 0 - 7
Fork 0 - 9
Fork 1 - 0
Fork 1 - 1
Fork 1 - 2
Fork 1 - 3
Fork 1 - 4
Fork 1 - 5
Fork 1 - 7
Fork 1 - 8
Fork 1 - 9

Why isn't this 20?

I'm probably naive about something, but fifos almost never work right for what I want to do, and I usually end up using (unix domain) sockets (which also makes it easier to move to tcp sockets if you need to distribute across hosts).

Anyway, in your code, it seems that the repeated closing of the *read* end of the pipe causes some data to be lost. If you can modify your read loop to keep using the same IO object, it seems to work (see below). Also, I found I needed to watch for #gets returning nil (though that doesn't happen reliably).

Perhaps someone who knows more about pipes will "pipe up" on this thread.

class WaitListTest
   PIPE = File.expand_path("~/tmp/wl_pipe")

   def setup
     `rm -f #{PIPE}`
     `mkfifo #{PIPE}`

   def test_registering_last_race
     term_count = 0
     responses =
     pids =

     NUMBER_OF_ORDERS.times do |i|
       pids << Process.fork do
         sleep 0.1 + (0.1 * i)
         10.times do |a|
 , "w") do |pipe|
             sleep 0.1
             pipe.puts "Fork #{i} - #{a}"
         end, "w") do |pipe|
           sleep 0.1
           pipe.puts "DONE"

     pipe =, "r")
     while term_count < NUMBER_OF_ORDERS
#, "r") do |pipe|
         val = pipe.gets
         case val
         when /DONE/
           term_count += 1
         when nil
           puts "pipe closed" # need this too
           responses << val
# end

     pids.each do |pid|

     puts responses.sort
     puts responses.count

wlt =


On 09/06/2010 01:10 PM, Josh wrote:

# In a nutshell:
1) Create a pipe
2) Fork twice
3) Each for sends 10 strings over the pipe
4) See what comes out the other side

In the receiver, you are constantly opening the pipe for read and then
closing it. I expect that if someone writes to the pipe while there's no
reader, the data is lost.

The program works for me if I swap the open and while around:"#{RAILS_ROOT}/#{PIPE}", "r") do |pipe|
      while term_count < NUMBER_OF_ORDERS
        val = pipe.gets
        if val.match(/DONE/)
          .. etc

But it is much better form to create an anonymous pipe in the parent
(rd, wr = IO.pipe) then fork. Close the rd end in the child and the wr
end in the parent.

Use Socket.pair if you want a bidirectional channel.


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