I am a newbee to Ruby. Is there a training course anywhere in the US
to get a jumpstart on the language?
I am a newbee to Ruby. Is there a training course anywhere in the US
to get a jumpstart on the language?
Partha wrote:
I am a newbee to Ruby. Is there a training course anywhere in the US
to get a jumpstart on the language?
I’m not aware of anything on- or offline. But there are people who
are qualified and willing to put something together for the right
Is this for an individual or a company/group?
Hal Fulton
Partha wrote:
I am a newbee to Ruby. Is there a training course anywhere in the US
to get a jumpstart on the language?
Actually, I should also mention that there are tutorials and sample code
online. And there are some good books out there.
Start at ruby-lang.org and rubygarden.org – everything of any
importance should be a short path-length from those two.
comp.lang.ruby, as you will discover, are a competent and friendly
bunch for the most part.
There’s also the IRC channel #ruby-lang on freenode.
Hal Fulton
If you really want a course in Ruby, this is almost definitely the best
thing going:
It would likely be too expensive for you to do by yourself, though.
On 8/4/2004, at 6:49 PM, Partha wrote:
I am a newbee to Ruby. Is there a training course anywhere in the US
to get a jumpstart on the language?
What cities are you in/near? Look around for users groups.
If you’re around Seattle, check out:
Partha (cadeguy@yahoo.com) wrote:
I am a newbee to Ruby. Is there a training course anywhere in the US
to get a jumpstart on the language?
Eric Hodel - drbrain@segment7.net - http://segment7.net
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Brian Marick and i designed a hands-on automated testing class based on
Ruby. The focus is on testing, rather than Ruby, but you learn some Ruby as
a side effect.
We have classes scheduled right now in the following locations and dates.
Beaverton, Oregon May 10, 2004 PNSQC Spring Workshops
Belleview, Washington May 11, 2004 PNSQC Spring Workshops
Orlando, Florida May 17, 2004 STAR East
Austin, Texas June 7, 2004 Pettichord Consulting LLC
Calgary, Alberta August 15-18, 2004 XP/Agile Universe
You can find out more about this class at
At 05:49 PM 4/8/2004, Partha wrote:
I am a newbee to Ruby. Is there a training course anywhere in the US
to get a jumpstart on the language?
Bret Pettichord, Software Tester
Consultant - www.pettichord.com
Author - www.testinglessons.com
Blogger - www.io.com/~wazmo/blog
Homebrew Automation Seminar
April 30, Austin, Texas
Well, I wrote a tutorial you might find helpful, though it doesn’t assume any prior programming experience. Perhaps it would be too simple for you. Anyway, you might want to check it out:
If you are in Portland, Oregon, I’d be willing to teach in person, if you are interested.
On Fri, 9 Apr 2004 07:49:16 +0900, Partha wrote:
I am a newbee to Ruby. Is there a training course anywhere in the
US to get a jumpstart on the language?Thankyou
Hal Fulton wrote:
Partha wrote:
I am a newbee to Ruby. Is there a training course anywhere in the US
to get a jumpstart on the language?Actually, I should also mention that there are tutorials and sample code
online. And there are some good books out there.Start at ruby-lang.org and rubygarden.org – everything of any
importance should be a short path-length from those two.
There are documents and tutorials available from the Ruby documentation
site, www.ruby-doc.org:
Perhaps also grab the Ruby documentation bbundle:
For an individual. But our company/group might also be interested
Hal Fulton hal9000@hypermetrics.com wrote in message news:4075D94A.2060504@hypermetrics.com…
Partha wrote:
I am a newbee to Ruby. Is there a training course anywhere in the US
to get a jumpstart on the language?I’m not aware of anything on- or offline. But there are people who
are qualified and willing to put something together for the right
fee.Is this for an individual or a company/group?
Hal Fulton