If you look at the below example, you can see top level methods becoming singleton method as well as instance method. Why both ?. It should be only a private instance method of Object, I think.
arup~$ irb
def a; 10 ;end
=> :a
NoMethodError: private method `a' called for Object:Class
from (irb):2
from /Users/shreyas/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.4/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'
=> 10
NoMethodError: private method `a' called for #<Object:0x007f8c5a150430>
from (irb):4
from /Users/shreyas/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.4/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'
If you look at the below example, you can see top level methods becoming
singleton method as well as instance method. Why both ?. It should be only a
private instance method of Object, I think.
> arup~$ irb
>>> def a; 10 ;end
> => :a
>>> Object.a
> NoMethodError: private method `a' called for Object:Class
> from (irb):2
> from /Users/shreyas/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.4/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'
>>> Object.send(:a)
> => 10
>>> Object.new.a
> NoMethodError: private method `a' called for #<Object:0x007f8c5a150430>
> from (irb):4
> from /Users/shreyas/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.4/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'
>>> Object.new.send(:a)
> => 10
Your test does not prove anything about a singleton method because it
does not show where the method is defined.
Kind regards
What I meant to say, is, Why I am able to call a method on Object as well as
Object.new. Generally,
arup@linux-wzza:~> irb
class Foo
def bar
=> nil
NoMethodError: undefined method `bar' for Foo:Class
from (irb):6
from /home/arup/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p451/bin/irb:12:in `<main>'
=> 12
Here `bar` is an instance method of Foo, that's why Foo.bar didn't work.
Pretty clear, but Foo.new.bar work.
But in case main posted example, Object.new.a and Object.a both work. Which
made me confused. I don't know why...
Arup Rakshit
Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore,
if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not
smart enough to debug it.
Apparently the last message did not go to the list.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Robert Klemme <shortcutter@googlemail.com>
Date: Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 10:48 PM
Subject: Re: Top level methods are becoming singleton method as well
as instance method - Why ?
To: Arup Rakshit
On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 6:24 PM, Arup Rakshit <aruprakshit@rocketmail.com> wrote:
Remember that Object is an instance of Class, which inherits from Object.
On 08/11/2014, Arup Rakshit <aruprakshit@rocketmail.com> wrote:
> arup~$ irb
>>> def a; 10 ;end
> => :a
>>> Object.a
> NoMethodError: private method `a' called for Object:Class
> from (irb):2
> from /Users/shreyas/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.4/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'
>>> Object.send(:a)
> => 10
>>> Object.new.a
> NoMethodError: private method `a' called for #<Object:0x007f8c5a150430>
> from (irb):4
> from /Users/shreyas/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.4/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'
>>> Object.new.send(:a)
> => 10
Your test does not prove anything about a singleton method because it
does not show where the method is defined.
Kind regards
What I meant to say, is, Why I am able to call a method on Object as well as
Object.new. Generally,
arup@linux-wzza:~> irb
class Foo
def bar
=> nil
NoMethodError: undefined method `bar' for Foo:Class
from (irb):6
from /home/arup/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p451/bin/irb:12:in `<main>'
=> 12
Here `bar` is an instance method of Foo, that's why Foo.bar didn't work.
Pretty clear, but Foo.new.bar work.
But in case main posted example, Object.new.a and Object.a both work. Which
made me confused. I don't know why...
Arup Rakshit
Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not
smart enough to debug it.