I'm working to copy and eventually manipulate images within Ruby, but
the Tk extension seems to be broken. My program (minus some crud) looks
like this:
require 'tk'
require 'tk/image'
require 'tkextlib/tkimg'
# Settings
image_file_suffix = '.jpg'
final_filename = "final.jpg"
# Find all the separate images
Dir.chdir( to_dir )
image_filenames = []
regex = Regexp.compile("^[0-9]+.*\\#{image_file_suffix}$")
Dir.foreach(".") {|filename| image_filenames << filename if filename =~
regex }
photos = []
pixel_height = 0
pixel_width = 0
image_filenames.each{ |image_fn|
image = TkPhotoImage.new( :file => image_fn )
photos << image
pixel_width += photo.width
pixel_height = photo.height > pixel_height ? photo.height :
compound_image = TkPhotoImage.new( :height => pixel_height, :width =>
pixel_width )
curr_x = 0
photo = photos[0]
# All give C:/ruby/ruby1_86_26/lib/ruby/1.8/tk.rb:2272:in `__invoke':
too many colors (RuntimeError)
#compound_image.copy( photo, :from => [0,0,photo.width, photo.height] )
#data = photo.data( :from => [0,0,photo.width, photo.height] )
#compound_image.copy( photo )
compound_image.put( photo.data )
compound_image.write final_filename
So I've tried the 4 different commands near the end and everything
fails. In particular I added a puts at the tk.rb method mentioned and
get the following out using any .copy() call:
INVOKE: ["i00002", "copy", "i00000"]
INVOKE: ["i00002", "write", "final.jpg"]
And it is always after the last one when the error gets thrown. The
.put(.data()) call dumps all the data to the console (and takes a looong
time), but otherwise the last 2 commands and the error are always the
same. The file actually created is only 6 bytes - not a good result
when trying to copy a 35K file over... I've tried it as a simple way to
copy a couple different images with the same results. Google only finds
me many versions of a code file with INTERP_FINALIZE_HOOK in it -
nothing useful nor explanatory except possibly a couple links at the
very end in Japanese.
Any ideas appreciated!
WinXP SP3?, Ruby 1.8.6, ActiveTcl
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.