I am starting learning Ruby/Tk ( may-be later write a tutorial ).
I have a question about Ruby/Tk library implementation.
Why the methods like setting background, foreground, text, … etc
just return an empty string instead of ‘self’ ?
For example:
b = TkButton.new
b.text # ==> without argument, this will return the text
# this is same as b[‘text’] or b.cget(‘text’).
b.text( ‘Hello World’) # ==> this returns a empty string, for me it is really useless.
If bg, fg, text … etc like pack can return ‘self’ we could write code like:
b = TkButton.new.pack.bg(‘red’).fg(‘black’).text(‘Hello’)
I know, we could write it like
b = TkButton.new(‘bg’=>‘red’, ‘fg’=>‘black’, ‘text’=>‘Hello’).pack
b = TkButton.new { bg ‘red’; fg ‘black’; text ‘Hello’ }.pack # or put pack insdie { }
I just thought return empty string is really useless; so why not return ‘self’ then we could have other way to write the code ( and make it shorter )
I know we could use ‘configure’ to combine
Is there any raison returns empty string ( or in same situation returns other things) ?
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