[Tk] Bug on TkBindTag.new_by_name?

It seems to me that there is a bug on TkBindTag.new_by_name.
Here is an example:

# The action on new_by_name has no effect ?! bug ?
require 'tk'
TkBindTag.new_by_name('My_BindTag', 'Button') {|e| puts 'OK'}
TkLabel.new(:text=>:Test).pack.bindtags = ['My_BandTag']

However, this works:
require 'tk'
b = TkBindTag.new_by_name('My_BindTag')
b.bind('Button') {|e| puts 'OK'}
TkLabel.new(:text=>:Test).pack.bindtags = ['My_BandTag']

By looking on the source code of TkBindTag, it seems on the new_by_name:
BTagID_TBL.delete @id ==> also delete the old action
the new one just has its name but no action associate to it.
That is maybe why the new_by_name action has no effect.
This seems a bug ?



Message-ID: <91b08b8a0412141702e8bc791@mail.gmail.com>

It seems to me that there is a bug on TkBindTag.new_by_name.
Here is an example:


This seems a bug ?

Yes. You are right.
Please replace TkBindTag.new_by_name to the following.


From: email55555 email55555 <email55555@gmail.com>
Subject: [Tk] Bug on TkBindTag.new_by_name ?
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 10:02:11 +0900
  def TkBindTag.new_by_name(name, *args, &b)
    return BTagID_TBL[name] if BTagID_TBL[name]
      BTagID_TBL.delete @id
      @id = name
      BTagID_TBL[@id] = self
      bind(*args, &b) if args !=
Thank you for your report.
Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)