(resend because the initial message didn't seem to get through)
I was wondering exactly when the #inherited method was called, and (lacking documentation) did a quick investigation. The answer is "as soon as the subclass begins being defined (the first time only) before the first line of code in the definition".
(See that at the end, #inherited is not again when Foo::Bar is re-opened.)
This is what I hoped, but not what I expected to find. Yay Ruby
p 'Before Foo'
class Foo
  def self.inherited( k )
    p "#{self}#inherited( #{k} )"
  p "Inside #{self}, before Bar"
  class Bar < self
    p "Inside #{self}, before Jee"
    class Jee < self;
      p "Inside #{self}"
    p "Inside #{self}, after Jee"
  p "Inside #{self}, after Bar"
p 'After Foo'
class Foo2 < Foo
  p "Inside #{self}"
class Foo::Bar < Foo
  p "Re-opened #{self}"
#=> "Before Foo"
#=> "Inside Foo, before Bar"
#=> "Foo#inherited( Foo::Bar )"
#=> "Inside Foo::Bar, before Jee"
#=> "Foo::Bar#inherited( Foo::Bar::Jee )"
#=> "Inside Foo::Bar::Jee"
#=> "Inside Foo::Bar, after Jee"
#=> "Inside Foo, after Bar"
#=> "After Foo"
#=> "Foo#inherited( Foo2 )"
#=> "Inside Foo2"
#=> "Re-opened Foo::Bar"
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