Thought I'd share my alias

class Module

  # As with alias_method, but alias both reader and writer.


  # attr_accessor :x
  # self.x = 1
  # alias_accessor :y, :x
  # y #=> 1
  # self.y = 2
  # x #=> 2

  def alias_accessor(*args)
    orig = args.last
    args = args - [orig]
    args.each do |name|
      alias_method(name, orig)
      alias_method("#{name}=", "#{orig}=")

  def alias_reader(*args)
    orig = args.last
    args = args - [orig]
    args.each do |name|
      alias_method(name, orig)

  def alias_writer(*args)
    orig = args.last
    args = args - [orig]
    args.each do |name|
      alias_method("#{name}=", "#{orig}=")


class Module

  # As with alias_method, butaliasboth reader and writer.
  # attr_accessor :x
  # self.x = 1
  # alias_accessor :y, :x
  # y #=> 1
  # self.y = 2
  # x #=> 2

  def alias_accessor(*args)
    orig = args.last
    args = args - [orig]
    args.each do |name|
      alias_method(name, orig)
      alias_method("#{name}=", "#{orig}=")

  def alias_reader(*args)
    orig = args.last
    args = args - [orig]
    args.each do |name|
      alias_method(name, orig)

  def alias_writer(*args)
    orig = args.last
    args = args - [orig]
    args.each do |name|
      alias_method("#{name}=", "#{orig}=")


Okay. I'd say shorten

    orig = args.last
    args = args - [orig]

to 'orig = args.pop'.

Actually, if I were using this myself I would write

  def alias_accessor(orig, first_alias, *aliases)
    aliases.each ...

which is more idiomatic, I think, for variadic methods. I don't think
imitation of alias_method()'s parameter order is worth the decrease in


On Nov 10, 6:28 am, Trans <> wrote: