The Well Tempered Ruby Application


I’ve been starting to put together a small sample project like GNU’s
"Hello" ( that provides just the
framework of everything that a well behaved Ruby project should
contain. The project should serve a dual role of providing a template
for new projects and as a tutorial. I’ve done some cursory searching,
but I haven’t found anything.

Some of the issues that I think should be addressed in such a sample

  • directory structure
  • files to require in a distribution (license, readme, samples)
  • code style (tricky), version control usage
  • comments, documentation, rdoc
  • handling platform specific issues, native extension
  • unit tests
  • handling command line args, usage
  • being a well behaved library
  • distribution, rakefile, package format, gem, resolving dependancies.
  • version control
  • register the project: rubyforge, raa, sourceforge, anouncements here.

Does anyone know of a similar project, or would be interested in
providing some input? Or even suggest some particularly nice
real-world projects that can be used for inspiration.

So far, I’ve put together the basic structure of a project and have
started filling it with some life, mainly a longish README and a well
documented Rakefile containing basic tasks like rdoc and package.

Download here:
or take a look at the generated docs here:

I appreciate your feedback, thanks,

Sorry for crossposting, I thought this might not only be of interest
for ruby-doc.

Tim Becker wrote:


I've been starting to put together a small sample project like GNU's
"Hello" (\) that provides just the
framework of everything that a well behaved Ruby project should
contain. The project should serve a dual role of providing a template
for new projects and as a tutorial. I've done some cursory searching,
but I haven't found anything.

i haven't used this, but it's relevant enought to be not OT,

Tim Becker wrote:


I've been starting to put together a small sample project like GNU's
"Hello" (\) that provides just the
framework of everything that a well behaved Ruby project should
contain. The project should serve a dual role of providing a template
for new projects and as a tutorial. I've done some cursory searching,
but I haven't found anything.

(rooting around in my bookmarks)

There've been different approaches to cyclomatic complexity, fan-in and
out type metrics for ruby
(search "abc.rb")

also found this in delicious, it's for Javascript but very interesting,

It seems to me that any good framework should take into account the
possibility of running multiple applications using the famework IMHO
this is one area where rails is severely deficient.

I would start with the rails framework because it covers so many
bases. With any application you will need a lib, configuration, logs,
tests etc and rails has all of that covered. I am also thinking that
virtually every application worth writing will need some sort of
database access even if it's via sqlite so once again rails rulez
there. Same with emails.

So think of a super rails hierarch. There is a top level domain where
libraries, gems, logs, and configuration go. Inside there is a
directory for each appliation with it's own logs, configurations etc.
The lower levels override the upper ones (uless there is some sort of
a no override flag?).

Maybe some OS specific stuff too like gems/win32 and gems/linux so the
binaries get sorted right too.

Mmmmm.. Looking a bit like Zope isn't it?