Hello all,
I've run into an issue regarding the use of const_missing. This issue revolves around the fact that these two cases are supposed to behave differently from each other:
irb(main):001:0> B = 10
irb(main):002:0> module A; B; end
=> 10
irb(main):003:0> A::B
NameError: uninitialized constant A::B
from (irb):3
However it seems impossible to detect which case we are in within the const_missing method. A more detailed explanation follows:
Suppose we are lazy and avoid typing "require 'my_module.rb'" by defining a const_missing that performs that require when MyModule is first referenced. Now, suppose we are writing my_class, and wish to include MyModule. So, we put this code in my_class.rb:
class MyClass
include MyModule
Our const_missing handler is called, and it loads 'my_module.rb', finds the now present MyModule constant, and returns it. Everything is good.
However, let's say we're slightly misguided and do MyClass::MyModule. Since this is not defined, our const_missing handler is once again called. 'my_module.rb' is thus loaded again, (usually to no effect,) and MyModule returned.
This is a pretty clear violation of the semantics of ::. Indeed, Ruby will produce a warning regarding our misbehaved const_missing. That said, there does not seem to be a way to behave correctly; from inside the const_missing handler there is no way to tell which case the constant is missing in.
One way to 'fix' this is to have our const_missing look in it's parent modules for the missing constant. If we find it there, we know this is a case of A::B. However this only works if the missing constant has been defined in one of the parents. Thus, we can still load ::B using A::B, but afterwards A::B will fail.
So, sorry for rambling on. The real question is: Can const_missing detect if we are in a "A::B" case rather than "module A; B; end" ?
Thanks for your time and any replies,
Nicholas Seckar