I have a method taking one argument that can be an integer or a string.
How do I test the argument to know if it’s a string or an integer? All
the duck typing things I’ve read make me wonder what’s the best way
to determine if the argument is an integer or a string…
I have a method taking one argument that can be an integer or a string.
How do I test the argument to know if it's a string or an integer? All
the duck typing things I've read make me wonder what's the best way
to determine if the argument is an integer or a string.....
Well, it really demand on what you want to do.
One possibility is to call the global function Integer, if it give an
error you have possibly a String : now you can call #to_str on this object
(if you want catch some errors) or you can convert your argument to a
String by calling #to_s
I have a method taking one argument that can be an integer or a string.
How do I test the argument to know if it’s a string or an integer? All
the duck typing things I’ve read make me wonder what’s the best way
to determine if the argument is an integer or a string…
you don’t want duck typing
def f(a,b)
raise ‘wrong parameters!’ unless a.is_a?String and b.is_a?Numeric
=> nil
RuntimeError: wrong parameters!
from (irb):2:in `f’
from (irb):4
=> nil
I have a method taking one argument that can be an integer or a string.
How do I test the argument to know if it’s a string or an integer? All
the duck typing things I’ve read make me wonder what’s the best way
to determine if the argument is an integer or a string…
or if you wont you can get StrongTyping and do:
def f(a,b)
He wanted a single argument with multiple possibilities. With
StrongTyping, that would be:
I have a method taking one argument that can be an integer or a string.
How do I test the argument to know if it’s a string or an integer? All
the duck typing things I’ve read make me wonder what’s the best way
to determine if the argument is an integer or a string…