What do you use instead of RUNIT::CUI::TestRunner.run?
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Morris [mailto:chrismo@clabs.org]
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 7:32 AM
To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org
Subject: Re: Test unit stuff…Converting from RubyUnit to Test::Unit is pretty easy. Generally it
involves …
Changing “require ‘runit’” to “require ‘test/unit’”.
class TestXYZ < RUNIT::TestCase
class TestXYZ < Test::Unit::TestcaseChange and “assert_equals” to “assert_equal”, and any
“assert_exception” to “assert_raises”IIRC,
- changing setup to set_up (and teardown to tear_down … ?
can’t remember)Chris
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