Test::Unit: setup & teardown around an entire suite?

Is there a way to wrap setup and teardown methods around an entire
suite? I haven't seen explicit methods for this purpose, but maybe
there's an idiomatic way to achieve the same result.



Michael Schuerig The more it stays the same,
mailto:michael@schuerig.de The less it changes!
http://www.schuerig.de/michael/ --Spinal Tap, The Majesty of Rock

This is late, but here's something that will work:

   require 'test/unit'

   class T < Test::Unit::TestCase
     def setup
       p 'setup'
     def teardown
       p 'teardown'
     def test1
       p 'test1'
     def test2
       p 'test2'
     def self.suite
       s = super
       def s.setup
         p 'suite_setup'
       def s.teardown
         p 'suite_teardown'
       def s.run(*args)

I do plan on providing a better way to do that, but for now we can just lean on the extreme flexibility of Ruby.



On Jun 10, 2005, at 13:50 , Michael Schuerig wrote:

Is there a way to wrap setup and teardown methods around an entire
suite? I haven't seen explicit methods for this purpose, but maybe
there's an idiomatic way to achieve the same result.

Nathaniel Talbott
