Test::Unit exit status

The version of testunit that I’m using doesn’t appear to return
a non-zero exit status when it finds failures or errors.

Does a newer version set this, or does anyone have a patch
to do this? (I haven’t browsed the source yet…)



Bil Kleb
NASA Langley Research Center
Hampton, Virginia, USA

The version of testunit that I’m using doesn’t appear to
return a non-zero exit status when it finds failures or errors.

Does a newer version set this, or does anyone have a patch
to do this? (I haven’t browsed the source yet…)

Is there a way to set the exit status besides Kernel#exit()? The
difficulty is that the runners do not (and should not) explicitly exit.
One way around this is to do the following in the test you’re running:


The other facet of this is automatic running via #at_exit, and I don’t
think I can do anything there, either. The problem is that calling #exit
from an #at_exit block doesn’t set the exit status (I guess because
#at_exit blocks happen after the official exit of the program).

I’d love to hear about other possibilities…




Bil Kleb [mailto:William.L.Kleb@NASA.Gov] wrote:

RoleModel Software, Inc.

How about not using at_exit, and instead using oh, say,


nathaniel@NOSPAMtalbott.ws (nathaniel@NOSPAMtalbott.ws) wrote:

Bil Kleb [mailto:William.L.Kleb@NASA.Gov] wrote:

The version of testunit that I’m using doesn’t appear to
return a non-zero exit status when it finds failures or errors.

Does a newer version set this, or does anyone have a patch
to do this? (I haven’t browsed the source yet…)

Is there a way to set the exit status besides Kernel#exit()? The
difficulty is that the runners do not (and should not) explicitly exit.
One way around this is to do the following in the test you’re running:


The other facet of this is automatic running via #at_exit, and I don’t
think I can do anything there, either. The problem is that calling #exit
from an #at_exit block doesn’t set the exit status (I guess because
#at_exit blocks happen after the official exit of the program).

I’d love to hear about other possibilities…

Eric Hodel - drbrain@segment7.net - http://segment7.net
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