Test::Unit examples and OptionParser


I am looking for a stack of unit tests examples to check the behavior of
OptionParser for parsing command line options, such as:





Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

What exactly do you expect? Do you want to test whether OptionParser
works properly or do you want to test your option spec? For the
former you'll likely find tests where OptionParser sources are. For
the latter you will have to provide different argument lists to OP and
see whether it works as intended, e.g.

require 'optparse'

def my_parse(argv)
  options = {}

  OptionParser.new do |opts|
    opts.on '--help' do |val|
      options[:help] = val
  end.parse! argv


  [, , {}],
  [%w{--help}, , {:help => true}],
].each do |inp, outp, opts|
  printf "%-30s argv=%p\n", "before", inp
  options = my_parse inp
  printf "%-30s argv=%p options=%p\n", "after", inp, options
  puts "options ok #{opts == options}",
    "argv ok #{outp == inp}"

Kind regards



2010/4/22 Martin Hansen <mail@maasha.dk>:

I am looking for a stack of unit tests examples to check the behavior of
OptionParser for parsing command line options, such as:


remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end


What exactly do you expect?

I was hoping to see a bunch of real-life Test::Unit examples of how to
validate different types of arguments (option specs) given to a script
via OptionParser.




Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

Well, there you have it. Just replace "==" tests with assertions and
wrap the whole stuff in test methods.




2010/4/22 Martin Hansen <mail@maasha.dk>:


What exactly do you expect?

I was hoping to see a bunch of real-life Test::Unit examples of how to
validate different types of arguments (option specs) given to a script
via OptionParser.

remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end