Telnetting cisco routers/devices

Hi ruby telnet gurus,

I'm having difficulty telnetting properly cisco devices. I googled the net
and found But this is perl.
Any kind soul doing something like this in ruby and would love to share?

Thanks in advance -botp

Just a dumb question to begin with - what have you tried? Net::Telnet? Have you tried ruby's expect? (Had forgotten about this until I was flipping through pickaxe 2 today for something else).



On 04/07/2005, at 1:45 PM, Peña, Botp wrote:

Hi ruby telnet gurus,

I'm having difficulty telnetting properly cisco devices. I googled the net
and found\. But this is perl.
Any kind soul doing something like this in ruby and would love to share?

Thanks in advance -botp


Here is what I did to access some information on a Cisco Access Point using telnet:

require 'net/telnet'

=begin rdoc
   This class consists of using a telnet connection to get some information
   from a Cisco Access Point.

   It has the ability to get some information about the STAs associations,
   some global statistics about the wireless interface of the AP, some
   statistics per QoS priority, and some statistics per STA.
   class CiscoAP

     # The parameters of the AP about QoS: CWMin, CWMax, TXOP...
     attr_reader :qos_params

     # Create a new CiscoAP instance.
     def initialize(host, login, password)
       @host, @login, @password = host, login, password
       @qos_params = qos_information

     # Close the connection to the telnet server.
     def close

     # Clear all the statistics.
     def clear_all_stats

     # Clear the global statistics about the Dot11Radio 0 interface.
     def clear_global_stats
       telnet_exec('clear dot11 statistics Dot11Radio 0')


     # Clear the interface statistics about the Dot11Radio 0 interface.
     def clear_interface_stats
       telnet_exec('clear interface Dot11Radio 0')


     # Get the global statistics about the Dot11Radio 0 interface.
     def global_stats
       telnet_exec('show interfaces Dot11Radio 0 statistics')

=begin rdoc
     Get a Hash containing statistics for a particular STA knowing its MAC address.

     Output example:
         :rts_retries => 0,
         :packets_in => 76274,
         :ip_address => "",
         :packets_out => 157063,
         :state => "Assoc",
         :bytes_in => 24183047,
         :mac_address => "0040.96a6.802c",
         :supported_rates => [6.0, 9.0, 18.0, 24.0, 36.0],
         :bytes_out => 165501061,
         :data_retries => 7604,
         :signal_strength => -39,
         :current_rate => 36.0
     def information_about_sta(mac_address)
       result = telnet_exec(
         "show dot11 associations #{to_cisco_mac_address mac_address }")

       if result.size > 0
         output =
         (md = result.match(/Address\s*:\s*(.{4}\..{4}\..{4})/)) &&
           (output[:mac_address] = md[1])
         (md = result.match(/IP Address\s*:\s*(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/)) &&
           (output[:ip_address] = md[1])
         (md = result.match(/State\s*:\s*(\w+)/)) && (output[:state] = md[1])
         (md = result.match(/Current Rate\s*:\s*(.*)?\s/)) &&
           (output[:current_rate] = md[1].to_f)
         (md = result.match(/Supported Rates\s*:\s*(.*)$/)) &&
           (output[:supported_rates] = md[1].split.collect { |elem| elem.to_f })
         (md = result.match(/Signal Strength\s*:\s*(-\d+)\s/)) &&
           (output[:signal_strength] = md[1].to_i)
         (md = result.match(/Packets Input\s*:\s*(\d+)\s/)) &&
           (output[:packets_in] = md[1].to_i)
         (md = result.match(/Packets Output\s*:\s*(\d+)\s/)) &&
           (output[:packets_out] = md[1].to_i)
         (md = result.match(/Bytes Input\s*:\s*(\d+)\s/)) &&
           (output[:bytes_in] = md[1].to_i)
         (md = result.match(/Bytes Output\s*:\s*(\d+)\s/)) &&
           (output[:bytes_out] = md[1].to_i)
         (md = result.match(/Data Retries\s*:\s*(\d+)\s/)) &&
           (output[:data_retries] = md[1].to_i)
         (md = result.match(/RTS Retries\s*:\s*(\d+)\s/)) &&
           (output[:rts_retries] = md[1].to_i)


=begin rdoc
     Get QoS information about the AP: the values for CWmin, CWmax, AIFSn and TXOP.

     Output example:
         :BACKGROUND => { :cwmin => 4,
                           :cwmax => 10,
                           :aifsn => 7,
                           :txop => 0 },
         :VIDEO => { :cwmin => 3,
                           :cwmax => 4,
                           :aifsn => 2,
                           :txop => 3008 },
         :BESTEFFORT => { :cwmin => 4,
                           :cwmax => 10,
                           :aifsn => 3,
                           :txop => 0 },
         :VOICE => { :cwmin => 2,
                           :cwmax => 3,
                           :aifsn => 2,
                           :txop => 1504 }
     def qos_information
       result = telnet_exec('show controllers | begin Configured Access Class Parameters')
       result = result.split("\n")[1..4].join("\n")

       if result.size > 0
         output =
         result.each_line do |line|
           priority = line.match(/\s*(\w*)\s*:/)[1].upcase.to_sym
           output[priority] = {
             :cwmin => line.match(/cw-min\s+(\d+)/)[1].to_i,
             :cwmax => line.match(/cw-max\s+(\d+)/)[1].to_i,
             :aifsn => line.match(/fixed-slot\s+(\d+)/)[1].to_i,
             :txop => line.match(/txop\s+(\d+)/)[1].to_i



       # Connect to the telnet server.
       def connect
         @connection =
             "Host" => @host,
             "Timeout" => false,
             "Prompt" => /.*\#/
         ) #{ |str| print str }
           "Name" => @login,
           "Password" => @password,
           "LoginPrompt" => /Username:/
         }) #{ |str| print str }

         # Unset the terminal length.
         @connection.cmd('terminal length 0')

       # Execute a set of telnet commands.
       def telnet_exec(commands)
         result = ''
         commands = [commands] if commands.class != Array

         # Execute each command.
         commands.each do |command|
           result += @connection.cmd(command)

         # Clean the result a bit.
         result.gsub!(/^.*#/, '')
         commands.each do |command|
           result.gsub!(/#{command}/, '')
         result.gsub!(/(\n)+/, "\n")
         result.gsub!(/\|\n/, '')


       # Converts an ordinary MAC address to a Cisco MAC address.
       def to_cisco_mac_address(mac_address)
         mac_address =~ /(\w\w):(\w\w):(\w\w):(\w\w):(\w\w):(\w\w)/


Hope that helps.

