Teaching ruby as cs intro?

My school teaches intro to programming with Java or C#, intro to cs with Scheme, then requires two semesters of C to scare us into being good and careful. Learning about Ruby has been a way nicer experience and I think it would draw more kids into the major if it was taught early on. What do you think?

Here's my draft of what I'm sending to the Teaching and Learning committee. Suggestions welcome.


Ruby is a very powerful, very concise and readable, and I think very easy to learn language. You should seriously consider teaching this language at an introductory level. It combines the flexibility of scripting languages, the modularity of object-oriented languages, and the recursive/iterative chaining of functional languages. Perhaps it would be overwhelming to present all these capabilities to young students too quickly; nonetheless there's enough documentation on the web that motivated students could move beyond the problem sets and start writing their own useful apps within their first semester (Ruby is also rather addictive). There is an interactive shell (invoked by /$ruby eval.rb ), so students would get instant feedback during their initial debugging that would really help them quickly straighten out their mistakes.

While it doesn't run fast enough for every application, Ruby saves quite a bit of programmer time, and it's concise nature makes it simple to maintain. The community is very agile and develops programs at a surprising pace. Often these releases seem to have a very modular nature that allows them to be incorporated usefully into other apps, so in other words, the time-saving capabilities of using Ruby are great and increasing. I cannot wait to see what libraries, software, and websites are available this time next year (hopefully by then I'll be able to understand all their code too). Along with lessons on theory, syntax and conventions, I suggest that you offer some lessons on checking documentation and wikis, and installing and using libraries. In fact, many wiki pages might be well-written enough that you could lecture right off of them, reducing the burden of preparation (also, if the lecturer ran across a question she couldn't answer, she could post to the Google group comp.lang.ruby and probably have an answer before the lecture was over). This combination of simplicity, facility, documentation, and human explanation is something Yale students could use to great benefit in the coming decades, whether or not they take additional CS classes.

I encourage you to investigate Ruby for your own uses - you may find that it plays very nicely with the codebase you already have. I hope you and your students will find it as useful as I have.


http://www.rubygarden.org/ruby?RubyIdioms <- a taste of Ruby
http://www.ruby-doc.org/docs/ProgrammingRuby/ <- a free textbook (newer version available)
http://www.ruby-forum.com <- discussion of real-world uses
http://www.zenspider.com/Languages/Ruby/index.html <- papers from Ruby conferences

Hi Mike,
maybe you could give them a small example of the concise nature of ruby by writing a small java program and then rewriting it in ruby?

for example:

If you start to learn programming, it's important to go step by step
from easy concepts to more complicated concepts. In Ruby this can be
done like this:

puts "Hello, world"
  ^-- command ^--- string

Easy: "puts" is a command that puts a string out on your console.

Only later you tell your student about classes, methods and the whole

Now look at Java:

public class Hello {
         public static void main(String args) {
                 System.out.println("Hello, world\n");

You have to explain a dozen foreign, arcane and (at least to the
beginner) useless concepts, only to output a string on the console.

Next step in Ruby:

name = gets
puts "Hello, " + name

"gets" gets a string input line from your console, which is assigned to
the variable name. Then the string "Hello, " is appended to the string
referenced by name with the "+" operator, and the resulting string is
put out on the console with the old "puts" command.

Now compare this to Java:

import java.io.*;

public class Hello2 {
     public static void main(String args) {
         InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(System.in);
         BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(isr);
         String name = null;
         try {
             if ((name = reader.readLine()) != null) {
                 System.out.println("Hello, " + name + "\n");
         } catch (IOException e) {
             System.err.println("Caught: " + e);

Mike Schwab wrote:


On 10/11/05, Florian Frank <flori@nixe.ping.de> wrote:

junk5@microserf.org.uk wrote:

My school teaches intro to programming with Java or C#, intro to cs with Scheme, then requires two semesters of C to scare us into being good and careful. Learning about Ruby has been a way nicer experience and I think it would draw more kids into the major if it was taught early on. What do you think?

Here's my draft of what I'm sending to the Teaching and Learning committee. Suggestions welcome.


Ruby is a very powerful, very concise and readable, and I think very easy to learn language. You should seriously consider teaching this language at an introductory level. It combines the flexibility of scripting languages, the modularity of object-oriented languages, and the recursive/iterative chaining of functional languages. Perhaps it would be overwhelming to present all these capabilities to young students too quickly; nonetheless there's enough documentation on the web that motivated students could move beyond the problem sets and start writing their own useful apps within their first semester (Ruby is also rather addictive). There is an interactive shell (invoked by /$ruby eval.rb ), so students would get instant feedback during their initial debugging that would really help them quickly straighten out their mistakes.

While it doesn't run fast enough for every application, Ruby saves quite a bit of programmer time, and it's concise nature makes it simple to maintain. The community is very agile and develops programs at a surprising pace. Often these releases seem to have a very modular nature that allows them to be incorporated usefully into other apps, so in other words, the time-saving capabilities of using Ruby are great and increasing. I cannot wait to see what libraries, software, and websites are available this time next year (hopefully by then I'll be able to understand all their code too). Along with lessons on theory, syntax and conventions, I suggest that you offer some lessons on checking documentation and wikis, and installing and using libraries. In fact, many wiki pages might be well-written enough that you could lecture right off of them, reducing the burden of preparation (also, if the lecturer ran across a question she couldn't answer, she could post to the Google group comp.lang.ruby and probably have an answer before the lecture was over). This combination of simplicity, facility, documentation, and human explanation is something Yale students could use to great benefit in the coming decades, whether or not they take additional CS classes.

I encourage you to investigate Ruby for your own uses - you may find that it plays very nicely with the codebase you already have. I hope you and your students will find it as useful as I have.


http://www.rubygarden.org/ruby?RubyIdioms <- a taste of Ruby
http://www.ruby-doc.org/docs/ProgrammingRuby/ <- a free textbook (newer version available)
http://www.ruby-forum.com <- discussion of real-world uses
Ruby | zenspider.com | by ryan davis <- papers from Ruby conferences

Mike Schwab wrote:

My school teaches intro to programming with Java or C#, intro to cs
with Scheme, then requires two semesters of C to scare us into being
good and careful. Learning about Ruby has been a way nicer
experience and I think it would draw more kids into the major if it
was taught early on. What do you think?

Here's my draft of what I'm sending to the Teaching and Learning
committee. Suggestions welcome.


Ruby is a very powerful, very concise and readable, and I think very
easy to learn language. You should seriously consider teaching this
language at an introductory level. It combines the flexibility of
scripting languages, the modularity of object-oriented languages, and
the recursive/iterative chaining of functional languages. Perhaps it
would be overwhelming to present all these capabilities to young
students too quickly; nonetheless there's enough documentation on the
web that motivated students could move beyond the problem sets and
start writing their own useful apps within their first semester (Ruby
is also rather addictive). There is an interactive shell (invoked
by /$ruby eval.rb ), so students would get instant feedback during
their initial debugging that would really help them quickly
straighten out their mistakes.

While it doesn't run fast enough for every application, Ruby saves
quite a bit of programmer time, and it's concise nature makes it
simple to maintain. The community is very agile and develops
programs at a surprising pace. Often these releases seem to have a
very modular nature that allows them to be incorporated usefully into
other apps, so in other words, the time-saving capabilities of using
Ruby are great and increasing. I cannot wait to see what libraries,
software, and websites are available this time next year

by then I'll be able to understand all their code too).

I'd delete that ^^^ sentence as it somewhat contradicts your statement
about clean syntax etc. :slight_smile:

Along with
lessons on theory, syntax and conventions, I suggest that you offer
some lessons on checking documentation and wikis, and installing and
using libraries. In fact, many wiki pages might be well-written
enough that you could lecture right off of them, reducing the burden
of preparation (also, if the lecturer ran across a question she
couldn't answer, she could post to the Google group comp.lang.ruby
and probably have an answer before the lecture was over). This
combination of simplicity, facility, documentation, and human
explanation is something Yale students could use to great benefit in
the coming decades, whether or not they take additional CS classes.

I encourage you to investigate Ruby for your own uses - you may find
that it plays very nicely with the codebase you already have. I hope
you and your students will find it as useful as I have.


http://www.rubygarden.org/ruby?RubyIdioms <- a taste of Ruby
http://www.ruby-doc.org/docs/ProgrammingRuby/ <- a free textbook
(newer version available)
http://www.ruby-forum.com <- discussion of real-world uses
Ruby | zenspider.com | by ryan davis <- papers from
Ruby conferences

Sounds good all in all. I'd put the main focus on the clean OO and
syntax, rich std lib and wide range of programming paradigms covered as
these are the items that best support chosing ruby as learning language

Let us know the outcome!

Kind regards


Selon Mike Schwab <michael.schwab@yale.edu>:

My school teaches intro to programming with Java or C#, intro to cs
with Scheme, then requires two semesters of C to scare us into being
good and careful. Learning about Ruby has been a way nicer
experience and I think it would draw more kids into the major if it
was taught early on. What do you think?

I completely agree. It would also be good to teach it early because it
introduces concepts that are wrongly considered high-level in a familiar
setting. I'm talking about closures, iterators, continuations, etc... Most of
those concepts are usually taught only much later on, while the students have
got used to languages that don't have them. The result is that they get to be
considered as arcane and complicated features one should use only when one
cannot do things in a classical way, while they are actually pretty simple and
powerful concepts (closures in particular are very intuitive) which just suffer
from bad press. It would be good that students get to learn those concepts
quickly, as they seem to be getting more and more common, and they will need to
understand them. And Ruby, with its non-intrusive syntax, is the best candidate
for teaching them.

Just my 2 eurocents anyway :slight_smile: .


Christophe Grandsire.


It takes a straight mind to create a twisted conlang.

My school teaches intro to programming with Java or C#, intro to cs with Scheme, then requires two semesters of C to scare us into being good and careful. Learning about Ruby has been a way nicer experience and I think it would draw more kids into the major if it was taught early on. What do you think?

I agree whole-heartedly that Ruby would make an excellent introduction to programming, but as it stands, I don't think your letter would get any serious consideration unless someone on the committee was already evangelising Ruby and could say "look, students want it too". Stylistically, it reads a bit like this:

"You should use Ruby because it's great, it's great, ok, maybe some things aren't great, but really it's great, and all the things about it are great, so you should use Ruby."

I'd suggest separating the various ways why Ruby is great, and giving particular examples. Since you're suggesting that it's used in the early stages of the program, concentrate on things of interest in that context. To be clear: neither "writing useful apps in [one's] first semester" nor an active developer community are as relevant to an introductory course as "how can a student learn general programming principles from this language".

I think that in much of your letter you're explaining why Ruby a good language to *learn*, instead of explaining why Ruby would be a good language to *teach*, and the two are not necessarily the same thing. For example, Java forces students into using OO in a very explicit way and Scheme forces students into using functional programming. Students may (and do) use them in extremely degenerate ways[1], but these excursions tend to be easy to spot, easy to correct, and most importantly, easy for the instructor to explain and the student to understand.

Introductory exercises in programming aren't usually about the output of the program, but about how you get there. One of the difficulties of using languages like Ruby (or Python or Perl) in introductory settings is that because the language paradigms aren't as apparent in the syntax, the point you're trying to illustrate (loop invariants, binary search, recursion vs. iteration, etc) can get lost in the mix, or obscured by a language idiom, and it's very difficult for an instructor to explain what's "wrong" because nothing really is wrong, it's just not what we were trying to show the student with that exercise.

If you wanted to explain the strengths of Ruby as a teaching tool, I would devote more time to describing the theoretical aspects of the language. I might mention, in particular, closures and blocks (http://www.rubygarden.org/ruby?ClosuresAndBlocks and http://www.whytheluckystiff.net/ruby/pickaxe/html/tut_containers.html\), noting they're similar to Scheme, as well as iterators and mixins.

That all said, being easy to learn is itself a good reason to consider a language for teaching. On this aspect, I'd discuss the relative readability of the syntax - perhaps with a reference to the Poignant Guide, particualrly this bit: http://poignantguide.net/ruby/chapter-3.html#section1 or maybe with a short example from Java:

for ( Iterator i = mySet.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
   String element = (String) iter.next();

my_set.each { |element|
   puts element

Along with lessons on theory, syntax and conventions, I suggest that you offer some lessons on checking documentation and wikis, and installing and using libraries.

Remember that they won't restructure the entire program to use Ruby in introductory courses. If the program does a lot of C in later courses, I don't think changing their prerequisite courses to use Ruby over a more C-like language would fly. I'd suggest finding a potential niche for Ruby in your program, and giving reasons why it might fit there. Though I don't know the program there, good choices might be programming courses for non-programmers, or a course on bio-informatics (look up bio-ruby). Suggestions of this nature tend to carry more weight than just suggesting "teach Ruby". This approach would also make the "useful apps fast" point carry a lot more weight, since students taking those types of courses aren't necessarily in a CS stream, but do want some useful skills to support their core studies.

As a final bit of feedback, I would specifically leave out this bit:

In fact, many wiki pages might be well-written enough that you could lecture right off of them,

No matter how lazy your professors actually are, noone enjoys the implication that they can't do their job on their own, or could be replaced by a small shell script.

Best of luck.

[1] I recently tutored a course which introduced Java to a group of AI students, some of whom had only ever used Prolog. Looking at the code they generated was an invaluable experience for me as an instructor. How do you explain classes and objects (or even *scope*) to someone who thinks of every variable as effectively global?


On Nov 23, 2005, at 9:49, Mike Schwab wrote:

Matthew Smillie <M.B.Smillie@sms.ed.ac.uk>
Institute for Communicating and Collaborative Systems
University of Edinburgh

Here's my draft of what I'm sending to the Teaching and Learning committee. Suggestions welcome.


Ruby is a very powerful, very concise and readable, and I think very easy to learn language. You should seriously consider teaching this language at an introductory level. It combines the flexibility of scripting languages, the modularity of object-oriented languages, and the recursive/iterative chaining of functional languages. Perhaps it would be overwhelming to present all these capabilities to young students too quickly; nonetheless there's enough documentation on the web that motivated students could move beyond the problem sets and start writing their own useful apps within their first semester (Ruby is also rather addictive). There is an interactive shell (invoked by /$ruby eval.rb ), so students would get instant feedback during their initial debugging that would really help them quickly straighten out their mistakes.

While it doesn't run fast enough for every application, Ruby saves quite a bit of programmer time, and it's concise nature makes it simple to maintain. The community is very agile and develops programs at a surprising pace. Often these releases seem to have a very modular nature that allows them to be incorporated usefully into other apps, so in other words, the time-saving capabilities of using Ruby are great and increasing. I cannot wait to see what libraries, software, and websites are available this time next year (hopefully by then I'll be able to understand all their code too). Along with lessons on theory, syntax and conventions, I suggest that you offer some lessons on checking documentation and wikis, and installing and using libraries. In fact, many wiki pages might be well-written enough that you could lecture right off of them, reducing the burden of preparation (also, if the lecturer ran across a question she couldn't answer, she could post to the Google group comp.lang.ruby and probably have an answer before the lecture was over). This combination of simplicity, facility, documentation, and human explanation is something Yale students could use to great benefit in the coming decades, whether or not they take additional CS classes.

I encourage you to investigate Ruby for your own uses - you may find that it plays very nicely with the codebase you already have. I hope you and your students will find it as useful as I have.


http://www.rubygarden.org/ruby?RubyIdioms <- a taste of Ruby
http://www.ruby-doc.org/docs/ProgrammingRuby/ <- a free textbook (newer version available)
http://www.ruby-forum.com <- discussion of real-world uses
Ruby | zenspider.com | by ryan davis <- papers from Ruby conferences

Mike Schwab wrote:

  There is an interactive shell (invoked by /$ruby eval.rb )

irb ?


If this list of resources is part of what you plan on sending, I would leave off that first URL. One reason we have an idioms page is because the meaning of the code in the idioms is not readily apparent. I think a far better leading url would be pointing to a small, non-obfuscated ruby program that performs a task common in a CS teaching environment. Something clean and readable and appropriately commented. Something that is probably understandable to a CS professor who doesn't know ruby but does know coding, and hence may be able to appreciate the language.


On Nov 23, 2005, at 4:49 AM, Mike Schwab wrote:

http://www.rubygarden.org/ruby?RubyIdioms <- a taste of Ruby
http://www.ruby-doc.org/docs/ProgrammingRuby/ <- a free textbook (newer version available)
http://www.ruby-forum.com <- discussion of real-world uses
Ruby | zenspider.com | by ryan davis <- papers from Ruby conferences

What I'm about to say might come as a surprise to many, but I
personally don't believe Ruby is an excellent language for an
introductory computer science course. (Before the axe comes down,
bear in mind that in 02 years, the University of New Haven WILL have a
Ruby centric class, due to my prodding )

Now back to the point at hand. Good computer science and good
programming are NOT the same thing. The lines between programming
and Software Engineering blur somewhat, but not even completely,
wheras theoretical computer science and programming are barely in the
same field.

I originally thought when entering my university, wow, CS is going to
make me a better programmer. It doesn't. In fact, the limited
scope of the courses would actually hinder people from becoming good
programmers if they did not go beyond what was taught in class.

Ruby is wonderful to work in... it's reasonably easy to learn, and we
all know of it's clean syntax, inherent beauty and simplicity, etc.

But have you ever stopped to wonder about how it works? How readily
could you drop to it's C source and understand how various features
were implemented. As someone who's taught programmers and
non-programmers alike how to do ruby, I find it is far easier to show
them how specific things are used (closures, iterators, etc) than it
is for me to explain what's going on under the hood.

If CS (especially elementary CS) is all about the things that are
going on under the hood, well... Ruby is downright horrible for that
because it is designed specifically to seperate us from the low level
frameworking that needs to be done to do something simple like

I agree, Ruby should be taught at universities, I also agree that it
should be taught rather early, but surely not as an intro to CS
course. Computer science is about fundamental operations of the
computer and manipulations of that... that's what makes C ideal for
such things. Programming is about solving tough problems cleanly and
efficiently, and Ruby is great for that.

I have long suggested that my university teach a course on practical
programming tools, practices, and languages. I think this could be
an entire track of courses, delving into the agile methodology,
revision control systems, continuous integration, unit testing,
'Agile' languages such as Ruby and Python, installation of 3rd party
libraries, packaging and preparing software for release, etc. There
is a wealth of knowledge in these topics, but when you mix in
academia, who knows what will happen to them. Still, this is worthy
of seperating from the more fundamental 'computer science' which has
excellent application to research and other related fields but limited
if not minimal relevance to practical applications.

Nevertheless, I do think it's great you're fighting to get Ruby into
your university. However, instead of fighting, you might try
petitioning for additional courses to be added, rather than changing
courses rather radically. This is generally easier on everyone, and
doesn't hurt anyone who loves to munge around in C all day :wink:

Well. theres my rant for the day. Hope this wasn't *too* much flamebait.


On 11/23/05, Mike Schwab <michael.schwab@yale.edu> wrote:

My school teaches intro to programming with Java or C#, intro to cs
with Scheme, then requires two semesters of C to scare us into being
good and careful. Learning about Ruby has been a way nicer
experience and I think it would draw more kids into the major if it
was taught early on. What do you think?

[Lots of good points trimmed]

Remember that they won't restructure the entire program to use Ruby in
introductory courses. If the program does a lot of C in later courses, I
don't think changing their prerequisite courses to use Ruby over a more C-like
language would fly.

If the teaching uses a lot of C in later courses, it might be argued
that the Ruby facilities for embedding C code are well developed and
intended to be easier than some languages.



On Wed, 23 Nov 2005, Matthew Smillie wrote:

Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@free.fr> writes:

Selon Mike Schwab <michael.schwab@yale.edu>:

My school teaches intro to programming with Java or C#, intro to cs
with Scheme, then requires two semesters of C to scare us into being
good and careful. Learning about Ruby has been a way nicer
experience and I think it would draw more kids into the major if it
was taught early on. What do you think?

I completely agree. It would also be good to teach it early because it
introduces concepts that are wrongly considered high-level in a familiar
setting. I'm talking about closures, iterators, continuations, etc... Most of
those concepts are usually taught only much later on, while the students have
got used to languages that don't have them. The result is that they get to be
considered as arcane and complicated features one should use only when one
cannot do things in a classical way, while they are actually pretty simple and
powerful concepts (closures in particular are very intuitive) which just suffer
from bad press. It would be good that students get to learn those concepts
quickly, as they seem to be getting more and more common, and they will need to
understand them. And Ruby, with its non-intrusive syntax, is the best candidate
for teaching them.

Just my 2 eurocents anyway :slight_smile: .

Just wanted to throw that in:

Ruby would make a great second language there, I think.


Christophe Grandsire.

Christian Neukirchen <chneukirchen@gmail.com> http://chneukirchen.org

I agree with this. Every software engineer that I have worked with that I respected and knew that I could rely on to get the job done has been someone with a fundamental understanding of the low-level workings, word sizes and so on (I'm well into my 3rd decade on this now). They've all been bitten by rounding and truncation errors due to hardware limitations imposed by the processor and pointer failures and so on. Their understanding is deeper than the people that didn't do the fundamentals.

11 years ago I went to a job interview once where they showed you some code and asked you to list what was wrong with the code. It contained all sorts of syntax errors and some subtle logic errors. I missed most of the syntax errors (as I wasn't looking for them) but found all the logic errors including one that no other applicant had ever found. The reason I found that error was because of my background working in assembler and C on embedded systems where you had to know the word sizes and so on. They commented about me missing the syntax errors and I pointed out the compiler would find those but would never find the logic errors. I got the job. This story isn't to fluff my ego, its to demonstrate the value of this low level knowledge. For the bug concerned the code had an error that caused to only count the first 4 bits of the 32 bit word it was scanning.

For the tools that Software Verification make and which I have a hand in the research behind them we could not make or perform the reverse engineering and hooking required without this knowledge. All the Ruby experience and high level concepts in the world would not help in this task.

Teach them the fundamentals, with real experience using C or assembler - something where they can make mistakes due to hardware limitations. Then teach them Ruby (and keep them away from Java).



In message <b37300880511230807m411c2846x5495e0f4d7d2584e@mail.gmail.com>, Gregory Brown <gregory.t.brown@gmail.com> writes

I agree, Ruby should be taught at universities, I also agree that it
should be taught rather early, but surely not as an intro to CS
course. Computer science is about fundamental operations of the
computer and manipulations of that... that's what makes C ideal for
such things. Programming is about solving tough problems cleanly and
efficiently, and Ruby is great for that.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited http://www.objmedia.demon.co.uk/software.html
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

If CS (especially elementary CS) is all about the things that are
going on under the hood, well... Ruby is downright horrible for that
because it is designed specifically to seperate us from the low level
frameworking that needs to be done to do something simple like

Computer science is about fundamental operations of the
computer and manipulations of that... that's what makes C ideal for
such things.

Firstly, it's important to remember that CS is a very, very broad topic, taking in material which 50 years ago would have been taught in anything from Philosophy (logic) to Mathematics (combinatorics and algebra) to Engineering (elrctronics) departments. I think that part of your disagreement stems from what amounts to a naming problem - part of the reason they're moving to the term "informatics" at the uni here and a few other places in Europe.

I think, though, that you're being to narrow in your definition of CS being limited to the fundamental operations of a computer. Given that definition, I'll readily agree that Ruby may not be a particularly good tool to study that level of operation of a computer (though one of the most informative undergraduate courses I ever did was modifying an actual Real World compiler).

I'd argue that more properly, you could define CS as the study of fundamental operations of *computation*, which you can then abstract to any given level, whether it's the physical level of logic gates or the abstract heights (or depths, depending on your predilections) of the lambda calculus.

Given this definition (which is closer to what's called "informatics" here), it's for the exact same reasons you think Ruby is a bad language, that I think Ruby is a good language. Ruby (and languages like it) let you focus on a particular level of abstraction without the burdensome externalia of pointers, memory allocation, etc. I find Ruby particularly good because it can be useful across a large section of this set of abstractions. It can be usefully simple for teaching things like quicksort, binary search, and the like, while being rich enough to be illustrate (and implement) domain-specific languages, metaprogramming and the like.

I originally thought when entering my university, wow, CS is going to
make me a better programmer. It doesn't. In fact, the limited
scope of the courses would actually hinder people from becoming good
programmers if they did not go beyond what was taught in class.

Hereafter is my own little rant, because I hear this sort of complaint all too often, usually phrased as "If I'll never have to implement quicksort, why should we do it in class?"

One of my professors once said something to a (first-year) class I was in that has stuck with me ever since, not just in reference to university, but actually as very good advice on how to live your life in general. It went like this:

"In high school, you went to classes to be taught. In university, you go to classes to learn."

The implication is that being taught is passive, whereas learning is active. One is done to you, and the other one you do for yourself. By extension, what goes on in class is the *beginning* of what you should learn, not the end. This active approach to learning (whether in a university setting or not) is something that you will find in anyone who excels in their field, whether that's informatics, medicine, or fine art.

(as a closing note, I'll add that this isn't meant to reflect on the original poster, since it's fairly obvious that he's quite active in his own education)

matthew smillie.


On Nov 23, 2005, at 16:07, Gregory Brown wrote:

> If CS (especially elementary CS) is all about the things that are
> going on under the hood, well... Ruby is downright horrible for that
> because it is designed specifically to seperate us from the low level
> frameworking that needs to be done to do something simple like
> something.sort

> Computer science is about fundamental operations of the
> computer and manipulations of that... that's what makes C ideal for
> such things.

Firstly, it's important to remember that CS is a very, very broad
topic, taking in material which 50 years ago would have been taught
in anything from Philosophy (logic) to Mathematics (combinatorics and
algebra) to Engineering (elrctronics) departments. I think that part
of your disagreement stems from what amounts to a naming problem -
part of the reason they're moving to the term "informatics" at the
uni here and a few other places in Europe.

Yes. absolutely. I am in favor of splitting the naming of the
topics. I interpret 'computer science' as "science of the computer"
and "software engineering" as the study of engineering software, and
"information technology" as the focus on technology.

In my university (and many others) the traditional computer science
program is exactly that, the science of computers. It is not software
engineering nor IT nor informatics.

I think, though, that you're being to narrow in your definition of CS
being limited to the fundamental operations of a computer. Given
that definition, I'll readily agree that Ruby may not be a
particularly good tool to study that level of operation of a computer
(though one of the most informative undergraduate courses I ever did
was modifying an actual Real World compiler).

I simply believe that CS as an amorphous concept is misleading because
it does not tell you what you can expect from a program.

I'd argue that more properly, you could define CS as the study of
fundamental operations of *computation*, which you can then abstract
to any given level, whether it's the physical level of logic gates or
the abstract heights (or depths, depending on your predilections) of
the lambda calculus.

I'd agree that CS is the study of computation more so than computers
(thanks for the better wording!), but I do not believe this scales to
practical programming. Good science? sure. Important base for
becoming a good programmer? YMMV, but generally, yes. Practical
programming experience? Absolutely not.

Given this definition (which is closer to what's called "informatics"
here), it's for the exact same reasons you think Ruby is a bad
language, that I think Ruby is a good language. Ruby (and languages
like it) let you focus on a particular level of abstraction without
the burdensome externalia of pointers, memory allocation, etc. I
find Ruby particularly good because it can be useful across a large
section of this set of abstractions. It can be usefully simple for
teaching things like quicksort, binary search, and the like, while
being rich enough to be illustrate (and implement) domain-specific
languages, metaprogramming and the like.

Pointers and malloc, etc. are part of the science of computation.
Ruby is part of informatics, and of practical programming.

Domain specific languages, metaprogramming, etc are all wonderful
programming examples. They're not good computer science. I believe
that programming is more of an art than a science to begin with, and
that a strong CS base CAN help you, but they are not necessarily
inter-related, and therefore should be seperated in academic majors.
(with the necessary degree of overlap)

The bottom line is... if I want to learn to be a good programmer, I
want a major that will help me do that. My CS major is essentially
preparing me to be a good thinker and computational scientist, which
has some merit, but certainly is secondary to my goal.

"In high school, you went to classes to be taught. In university,
you go to classes to learn."

The implication is that being taught is passive, whereas learning is
active. One is done to you, and the other one you do for yourself.
By extension, what goes on in class is the *beginning* of what you
should learn, not the end. This active approach to learning (whether
in a university setting or not) is something that you will find in
anyone who excels in their field, whether that's informatics,
medicine, or fine art.

I go to class in my university to get a degree, sadly. I go to
ruby-talk and work to 'learn'.
I fully agree with your sentiment, and though it may not have been
evident in my post, I do certainly advocate students to do the legwork
on their own.

As far as ruby goes... I've learned plenty by doing. I'm currently
working on a number of projects that are on RAA and RubyForge. I
won't babble on about that though.

However, you won't see much of my computer science creeping into my
Ruby activity, because it simply is not relevant. I'd hope some day
to do some research in computational theory, and I am doubling in math
for exactly that reason, but my only point is though this background
does play a secondary role in preparing me to be a better programmer,
it is a primary education I seek from my institution, and I (among
others) are left wanting in this area. Computer Science is not
programming. At least not at the University of New Haven.


On 11/23/05, Matthew Smillie <M.B.Smillie@sms.ed.ac.uk> wrote:

On Nov 23, 2005, at 16:07, Gregory Brown wrote:

Whoops.... I realized that this might not be clear... I meant that
software engineering was the focus on designing and building software
using the engineering process, not necessarily designing like... a set
of modeling systems or something :slight_smile:


On 11/23/05, Gregory Brown <gregory.t.brown@gmail.com> wrote:

Yes. absolutely. I am in favor of splitting the naming of the
topics. I interpret 'computer science' as "science of the computer"
and "software engineering" as the study of engineering software, and
"information technology" as the focus on technology.