>> Another note: as far as I remember there are plans to make
>> work for
>> lambdas. So currently we have
>>>> f = lambda {|x| x+x}
>> => #<Proc:0x100c3e60@(irb):15>
>>>> f[10]
>> => 20
>>>> f.call 10
>> => 20
>> Then we had additionally
>>>> f(10)
>> => 20
> Cool. So, this sounds like the ()/null operator is being
> implemented with procs/lambdas. Now if we could just have
> for the rest of the objects.It'll probably work as general mapping to #call so it would
work with
everything that has #call.Cheers
Thanks Robert. If that is the case, it sounds like I'll get
the main thing I wanted - ()/null operator.
Anybody know if lambdas will also support blocks anytime soon?
It doesn't seem to make sense why I can't do this:
f = lambda {|*args,&block|puts(*args);block}
f[1,2,3] { puts("hi") }
or in the 1.9 syntax:
f = {|*args,&block|puts(*args);block}
f(1,2,3) { puts("hi") }
I just grabbed 1.9 and none of this new syntax seems to work.
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