Ryan Leavengood wrote:
I think the extra effort it takes to actually sign up for the mailing
list and send an email to the right address is a good thing, as it
tends to increase the signal to noise ratio, as Eric says.
When any Joe can pop into the newsgroup or the Ruby Forum and send a
question in 5 seconds, they are less apt to stop and ask themselves:
"how might I figure this out for myself?" There are years of archives
containing answers to probably 80% of what is asked here everyday, yet
no one seems to search. Part of the problem might be that the scat.rb
interface leaves a bit to be desired (and is slow for anyone not in
Japan it seems...at least for me), but we also have Google Groups (but
of course that depends on the gateway for all messages to be
Interesting. I'm leery of adopting what may amount to (quasi-) elitists techniques to reduce the noise (i.e., if they're not smart enough to figure this part out, then oh well), but there are real downsides to making certain behavior nearly frictionless and cost-free.
And asking people to subscribe to a list (which is already available on the Web via Gmane) is really not a major hurdle.
It may be better to have various read-only list archives for locating information, but require list membership to post.
I'm not sure what the solution is here, beyond extremely smart,
SPAM-like filtering in our mail clients to cut down on the junk we
have to read. On that note: how do most people on this list cope with
all the messages? Because it seems like reading all of them would be
at least a half-time job (I don't know, 4 hours or so a day.)
Subject scanning, and seeing who sent the mail. For example, I probably would have glossed over this very thread, but saw your name, and Eric's, so it piqued my interest.
There is no way to read it all; some filtering or folder routing might help, though I've given up on ever expecting people to agree on, and actually use, consistent, reliable subject tags (witness the subject lines for Ruby Quiz threads).
So I just keep an eye on things and try to catch what I can.
James Britt
"Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally
for machines to execute."
- H. Abelson and G. Sussman
(in "The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs)