Hi. I apologize in advance if this is a dumb question, but though I've
searched online I haven't found an answer.
I'm starting to teach my 8yr daughter Ruby. We've covered HTML and CSS
already and she handcoded her own static website. I'd like to
incorporate her Ruby learning experience into her website, which is
much more interesting for her than using Ruby to write scripts or
desktop apps. She's just starting out, so Rails is much too complicated
for her. She's not ready for the whole MVC concept yet. What I'd like
to do is to run very simple Ruby scripts from the site and incorporate
Ruby code into rhtml files, but without Rails. I don't really want a
"framework", just the ability to run a ruby file that will serve up an
rhtml file. In other words, something very simple like PHP (I don't
want to teach her PHP). [I'll get into Rails later once she's more
ERb looks like the ticket, but there's a missing link (for me). I can
write a ruby script that generates an rhtml file, but then how do I
serve that rhtml file without a framework like
Rails/Nitro/Camping/etc.? Probably the answer is with Webrick somehow,
but I'm missing the connection. I can't find a simple tutorial anywhere
online, and I'm no expert on web applications.
Webrick has WEBrick::HTTPServlet::ERBHandler, which (I believe) serves
ERb pages. Mongrel probably has something similar.
On 9/20/06, zerohalo <zerohalo@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi. I apologize in advance if this is a dumb question, but though I've
searched online I haven't found an answer.
I'm starting to teach my 8yr daughter Ruby. We've covered HTML and CSS
already and she handcoded her own static website. I'd like to
incorporate her Ruby learning experience into her website, which is
much more interesting for her than using Ruby to write scripts or
desktop apps. She's just starting out, so Rails is much too complicated
for her. She's not ready for the whole MVC concept yet. What I'd like
to do is to run very simple Ruby scripts from the site and incorporate
Ruby code into rhtml files, but without Rails. I don't really want a
"framework", just the ability to run a ruby file that will serve up an
rhtml file. In other words, something very simple like PHP (I don't
want to teach her PHP). [I'll get into Rails later once she's more
ERb looks like the ticket, but there's a missing link (for me). I can
write a ruby script that generates an rhtml file, but then how do I
serve that rhtml file without a framework like
Rails/Nitro/Camping/etc.? Probably the answer is with Webrick somehow,
but I'm missing the connection. I can't find a simple tutorial anywhere
online, and I'm no expert on web applications.
ERb looks like the ticket, but there's a missing link (for me). I can
write a ruby script that generates an rhtml file, but then how do I
serve that rhtml file without a framework like
Rails/Nitro/Camping/etc.? Probably the answer is with Webrick somehow,
but I'm missing the connection. I can't find a simple tutorial anywhere
online, and I'm no expert on web applications.
Just one question. Do you want the existing Web server to serve your Ruby
code, or do you require the server to be Ruby-based also?
If the former, you can tell Apache to serve Ruby scripts that contain the
usual CGI conventions. That seems simple enough. And it might not be what
you are asking for.
Webrick seems to have support for ERB - see httpservlet/erbhandler.rb,
that is used for .rhtml files by FileHandler. Just find in the
tutorials how to start webrick for a given document root
(Webrick::HttpServer.new({:DocumentRoot = '/var/www/'}) and
You can use meta_vars and query variables in your rhtml files.
On 9/20/06, zerohalo <zerohalo@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi. I apologize in advance if this is a dumb question, but though I've
searched online I haven't found an answer.
I'm starting to teach my 8yr daughter Ruby. We've covered HTML and CSS
already and she handcoded her own static website. I'd like to
incorporate her Ruby learning experience into her website, which is
much more interesting for her than using Ruby to write scripts or
desktop apps. She's just starting out, so Rails is much too complicated
for her. She's not ready for the whole MVC concept yet. What I'd like
to do is to run very simple Ruby scripts from the site and incorporate
Ruby code into rhtml files, but without Rails. I don't really want a
"framework", just the ability to run a ruby file that will serve up an
rhtml file. In other words, something very simple like PHP (I don't
want to teach her PHP). [I'll get into Rails later once she's more
ERb looks like the ticket, but there's a missing link (for me). I can
write a ruby script that generates an rhtml file, but then how do I
serve that rhtml file without a framework like
Rails/Nitro/Camping/etc.? Probably the answer is with Webrick somehow,
but I'm missing the connection. I can't find a simple tutorial anywhere
online, and I'm no expert on web applications.
I don't really want a
"framework", just the ability to run a ruby file that will serve up an
rhtml file. In other words, something very simple like PHP (I don't
want to teach her PHP). [I'll get into Rails later once she's more
Hi. I apologize in advance if this is a dumb question, but though I've
searched online I haven't found an answer.
I'm starting to teach my 8yr daughter Ruby. We've covered HTML and CSS
already and she handcoded her own static website. I'd like to
incorporate her Ruby learning experience into her website, which is
much more interesting for her than using Ruby to write scripts or
desktop apps. She's just starting out, so Rails is much too complicated
for her. She's not ready for the whole MVC concept yet. What I'd like
to do is to run very simple Ruby scripts from the site and incorporate
Ruby code into rhtml files, but without Rails. I don't really want a
"framework", just the ability to run a ruby file that will serve up an
rhtml file. In other words, something very simple like PHP (I don't
want to teach her PHP). [I'll get into Rails later once she's more
ERb looks like the ticket, but there's a missing link (for me). I can
write a ruby script that generates an rhtml file, but then how do I
serve that rhtml file without a framework like
Rails/Nitro/Camping/etc.? Probably the answer is with Webrick somehow,
but I'm missing the connection. I can't find a simple tutorial anywhere
online, and I'm no expert on web applications.
I've an example of this that's ~100 lines of code, if you're interested.
Maps URLs to classes and templates and renders them, using erb and Webrick.
James Britt
"A principle or axiom is of no value without the rules for applying it."
- Len Bullard
It is extremly easy to setup, I have tried this solution in 2 shared
hosting services without a problem.
Aníbal Rojas
zerohalo wrote:
Hi. I apologize in advance if this is a dumb question, but though I've
searched online I haven't found an answer.
I'm starting to teach my 8yr daughter Ruby. We've covered HTML and CSS
already and she handcoded her own static website. I'd like to
incorporate her Ruby learning experience into her website, which is
much more interesting for her than using Ruby to write scripts or
desktop apps. She's just starting out, so Rails is much too complicated
for her. She's not ready for the whole MVC concept yet. What I'd like
to do is to run very simple Ruby scripts from the site and incorporate
Ruby code into rhtml files, but without Rails. I don't really want a
"framework", just the ability to run a ruby file that will serve up an
rhtml file. In other words, something very simple like PHP (I don't
want to teach her PHP). [I'll get into Rails later once she's more
ERb looks like the ticket, but there's a missing link (for me). I can
write a ruby script that generates an rhtml file, but then how do I
serve that rhtml file without a framework like
Rails/Nitro/Camping/etc.? Probably the answer is with Webrick somehow,
but I'm missing the connection. I can't find a simple tutorial anywhere
online, and I'm no expert on web applications.
Just one question. Do you want the existing Web server to serve your Ruby
code, or do you require the server to be Ruby-based also?
No, the server doesn't need to be Ruby-based. I could use lighttpd or
apache to serve the code.
If the former, you can tell Apache to serve Ruby scripts that contain the
usual CGI conventions. That seems simple enough. And it might not be what
you are asking for.
That's the part I'm missing. I find Apache extremely difficult to
configure (beyond the basics). How would I tell Apache to serve Ruby
Webrick seems to have support for ERB - see httpservlet/erbhandler.rb,
that is used for .rhtml files by FileHandler. Just find in the
tutorials how to start webrick for a given document root
(Webrick::HttpServer.new({:DocumentRoot = '/var/www/'}) and
Yes, I tried that. Unfortunately there is no documentation on the
webrick site on how to use ERBHandler. I have this in a ruby script
which does start up the Webrick server. However, while it serves HTML
files fine, it treats RHTML files as binaries and RB files as just
plain text. Here's my code:
require 'webrick'
include WEBrick
def start_webrick(config = {})
config.update(:Port => 8080)
server = HTTPServer.new(config)
yield server if block_given?
['INT', 'TERM'].each {|signal|
trap(signal) {server.shutdown}
ruby_dir = File.expand_path('/data/sandbox/ruby')
server.mount("/data/sandbox/ruby", HTTPServlet::ERBHandler, ruby_dir)
Hi. I apologize in advance if this is a dumb question, but though I've
searched online I haven't found an answer.
I'm starting to teach my 8yr daughter Ruby. We've covered HTML and CSS
already and she handcoded her own static website. I'd like to
incorporate her Ruby learning experience into her website, which is
much more interesting for her than using Ruby to write scripts or
desktop apps. She's just starting out, so Rails is much too complicated
for her. She's not ready for the whole MVC concept yet. What I'd like
to do is to run very simple Ruby scripts from the site and incorporate
Ruby code into rhtml files, but without Rails. I don't really want a
"framework", just the ability to run a ruby file that will serve up an
rhtml file. In other words, something very simple like PHP (I don't
want to teach her PHP). [I'll get into Rails later once she's more
ERb looks like the ticket, but there's a missing link (for me). I can
write a ruby script that generates an rhtml file, but then how do I
serve that rhtml file without a framework like
Rails/Nitro/Camping/etc.? Probably the answer is with Webrick somehow,
but I'm missing the connection. I can't find a simple tutorial anywhere
online, and I'm no expert on web applications.
I've an example of this that's ~100 lines of code, if you're interested.
Maps URLs to classes and templates and renders them, using erb and Webrick.
I'd like to see it, just because I might find it educational.
I've also been wondering if framework support for this sort of thing, but very simple to setup, would be useful to people?
Something akin to this:
On Thu, 21 Sep 2006, James Britt wrote:
ERb looks like the ticket, but there's a missing link (for me). I can
write a ruby script that generates an rhtml file, but then how do I
serve that rhtml file without a framework like
Rails/Nitro/Camping/etc.? Probably the answer is with Webrick somehow,
but I'm missing the connection. I can't find a simple tutorial anywhere
online, and I'm no expert on web applications.
I've an example of this that's ~100 lines of code, if you're interested.
Maps URLs to classes and templates and renders them, using erb and Webrick.
/index.html: Index
/form.html: Myform
/response.html: Myresponse
If one had an index.rhtml, myform.rhtml, and myresponse.rhtml, they would be mapped to classes Index, Myform, and Myresponse, and requests for the urls above would go to the class in question and be rendered as an erb template.
You'd run it with:
ruby app.rb -r webrick
ruby app.rb -r mongrel
No other code or config necessary to serve those rhtml files. Would anyone use this ability (as I personally would not). Worth my time to make the above work?
Paul Lutus wrote:
> Just one question. Do you want the existing Web server to serve your Ruby
> code, or do you require the server to be Ruby-based also?
No, the server doesn't need to be Ruby-based. I could use lighttpd or
apache to serve the code.
> If the former, you can tell Apache to serve Ruby scripts that contain the
> usual CGI conventions. That seems simple enough. And it might not be what
> you are asking for.
That's the part I'm missing. I find Apache extremely difficult to
configure (beyond the basics). How would I tell Apache to serve Ruby
In a recent thread (eruby?) someone mentioned adding
In my win installation there is c:/ruby/bin/erb.bat so I suppose there
is something similar in unix. Now either add #!/usr/bin/erb to the top
of any .cgi file or, preferably, do something similar to the above,
somehow telling apache to run erb.
(I'm not an apache guru, so these are just hints to get you started...)
Yes, I tried that. Unfortunately there is no documentation on the
webrick site on how to use ERBHandler. I have this in a ruby script
which does start up the Webrick server. However, while it serves HTML
files fine, it treats RHTML files as binaries and RB files as just
plain text. Here's my code:
On Debian and Ubuntu, it just works. After you apt-get install
apache2, you just copy some foo.rb file (maybe like the one shown
below) to /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ and then point your browser at http://localhost/cgi-bin/foo.rb and boom.
puts "<html><body>
<p>The time is now #{Time.now}, so you'd
better get crackin'!
==== /snip ====
On 9/20/06, zerohalo <zerohalo@gmail.com> wrote:
> If the former, you can tell Apache to serve Ruby scripts that contain the
> usual CGI conventions. That seems simple enough. And it might not be what
> you are asking for.
That's the part I'm missing. I find Apache extremely difficult to
configure (beyond the basics). How would I tell Apache to serve Ruby
Just one question. Do you want the existing Web server to serve your Ruby
code, or do you require the server to be Ruby-based also?
No, the server doesn't need to be Ruby-based. I could use lighttpd or
apache to serve the code.
If the former, you can tell Apache to serve Ruby scripts that contain the
usual CGI conventions. That seems simple enough. And it might not be what
you are asking for.
That's the part I'm missing. I find Apache extremely difficult to
configure (beyond the basics). How would I tell Apache to serve Ruby
Others have offered good advice. The simplest way is to give the server what
it expects to see:
Put this file in a directory where executable content is expected to be,
like /serverpath/cgi-bin, and chances are Apache will treat it as you would
expect, without any special configuration.
Thanks, Jan. That was easy. Now .rhtml files render correctly.
Is there a way to tell it to execute .rb files rather than treat them
as simple text files?
Jan Svitok wrote:
On 9/20/06, zerohalo <zerohalo@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, I tried that. Unfortunately there is no documentation on the
> webrick site on how to use ERBHandler. I have this in a ruby script
> which does start up the Webrick server. However, while it serves HTML
> files fine, it treats RHTML files as binaries and RB files as just
> plain text. Here's my code:
require 'webrick'
include WEBrick
def start_webrick(config = {})
config.update(:Port => 8080)
+ config.update(:MimeTypes => {'rhtml' => 'text/html'})
server = HTTPServer.new(config)
yield server if block_given?
['INT', 'TERM'].each {|signal|
trap(signal) {server.shutdown}
- ruby_dir = File.expand_path('/data/sandbox/ruby')
- server.mount("/data/sandbox/ruby", HTTPServlet::ERBHandler, ruby_dir)