Style Question

Hello everybody,

I've got a stylistic question. I know that "the ruby way" to implement
iterations is using .each and similar things, but sometimes I like to use

for i in 0...n
  for j in i...n
    do something with i and for

Thats nice.

But if I want to iterate downwards the only way I found is 10.downto(0) do

i | end

That seems not as intuitive as the for notation. Especially if I want ruby
to teach algorithms to people who know how to read pseudo code, then I'd
like something like

for i in 10.downto 0
for i in 0.upto 10

I think this has been discussed before, but I'd like to now which style
you use, or if I've missed the solution.



PS: How is for implemented? Can I maybe teach Number.downto to return an
object that
     is used by for to iterate like an inverse range?


Brian Schröder

Brian Schroeder wrote:

Hello everybody,


I've got a stylistic question. I know that "the ruby way" to implement
iterations is using .each and similar things, but sometimes I like to use

for i in 0...n
  for j in i...n
    do something with i and for

Thats nice.

But if I want to iterate downwards the only way I found is 10.downto(0) do
> i | end

What about this:

for i in (0...n).to_a.reverse
   for j in (i...n).to_a.reverse
     p [i, j]

The problem with that is that it will be slow for huge ranges.

Or maybe this:

require 'enumerator'
for i in (n - 1).enum_for(:downto, 0)
   for j in (n - 1).enum_for(:downto, i)
     p [i, j]

Or this one:

class Range
   def reverse_each(&block)
     unless last.respond_to?(:downto)
       raise(TypeError, "cannot reverse iterate from #{last.class}")

     is_first = true
     last.downto(first) do |item|
       if is_first and exclude_end?
         is_first = false

require 'enumerator'
for i in (0...n).enum_for(:reverse_each)
   for j in (i...n).enum_for(:reverse_each)
     p [i, j]

And I think that Range should provide reverse_each in Standard Ruby... (There's no problem in it when using #downto -- it is only defined for Integers, not for Strings.)

Florian Gross

Hi --

Hello everybody,

I've got a stylistic question. I know that "the ruby way" to implement
iterations is using .each and similar things, but sometimes I like to use

for i in 0...n
  for j in i...n
    do something with i and for

Thats nice.

But if I want to iterate downwards the only way I found is 10.downto(0) do
> i | end

That seems not as intuitive as the for notation. Especially if I want ruby
to teach algorithms to people who know how to read pseudo code, then I'd
like something like
> for i in 10.downto 0
> for i in 0.upto 10

I think this has been discussed before, but I'd like to now which style
you use, or if I've missed the solution.

I would have thought that

  10.downto(0).each do |i|

would be very pseudo-coder friendly. Have you determined for certain
that the people you're teaching can't grasp this? You wouldn't even
have to explain range notation :slight_smile:

PS: How is for implemented? Can I maybe teach Number.downto to return an
object that
     is used by for to iterate like an inverse range?

You could wrap it, like this:

  class Integer
    alias olddownto downto
    def downto(x,&b)
      olddownto(x,&b) if b



On Sun, 5 Sep 2004, Brian Schroeder wrote:

David A. Black

"Brian Schroeder" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

Hello everybody,

I've got a stylistic question. I know that "the ruby way" to implement
iterations is using .each and similar things, but sometimes I like to use

for i in 0...n
for j in i...n
do something with i and for

Thats nice.

But if I want to iterate downwards the only way I found is 10.downto(0) do
> i | end

That seems not as intuitive as the for notation. Especially if I want ruby
to teach algorithms to people who know how to read pseudo code, then I'd
like something like

for i in 10.downto 0
for i in 0.upto 10

I think this has been discussed before, but I'd like to now which style
you use, or if I've missed the solution.



PS: How is for implemented? Can I maybe teach Number.downto to return an
object that
   is used by for to iterate like an inverse range?

Even more straightforward: you can implement a range that supports both directions yourself plus arbitrary stepping like this:

class Rg
  include Enumerable

  def initialize(from, to, step = sign(to - from))
    raise ArgumentError, "Invalid step #{step}" if (to - from) * step <= 0
    @from, @to, @step = from, to, step
    @to += @step - ((@to - @from) % @step)

  def each
    x = @from
    until x == @to
      yield x
      x += @step

  def sign(x)
      when x > 0
      when x == 0

module Kernel
  def Rg(from, to, *step), to, *step) end

Then you can do this:

for i in Rg 0, 10, 2
  puts i

=> #<Rg:0x10186da0 @from=0, @step=2, @to=12>

for i in Rg( 0, -10, -3 )
  puts i

=> #<Rg:0x101801a0 @from=0, @step=-3, @to=-12>

for i in Rg 0, -10
puts i

=> #<Rg:0x10199ce8 @step=-1, @to=-11, @from=0>

Kind regards


Robert Klemme wrote:

Hello everybody,


PS: How is for implemented? Can I maybe teach Number.downto to return an
object that
   is used by for to iterate like an inverse range?

Even more straightforward: you can implement a range that supports both directions yourself plus arbitrary stepping like this:

I'd prefer using an enumerator around Range#step or Fixnum#step instead.

Here are a few small comments and suggestion about your code. Maybe they are useful.

class Rg
include Enumerable

def initialize(from, to, step = sign(to - from))

What about String Ranges?

   raise ArgumentError, "Invalid step #{step}" if (to - from) * step <= 0
   @from, @to, @step = from, to, step
   @to += @step - ((@to - @from) % @step)

def each
   x = @from
   until x == @to

This is a problem -- there are Ranges that will never satisfy this condition. (Float ranges come to mind)

     yield x
     x += @step

def sign(x)
     when x > 0
     when x == 0

def sign(x); x <=> 0; end


Kind regards

More regards,
Florian Gross

"Florian Gross" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

Robert Klemme wrote:

Hello everybody,


PS: How is for implemented? Can I maybe teach Number.downto to return an
object that
   is used by for to iterate like an inverse range?

Even more straightforward: you can implement a range that supports both directions yourself plus arbitrary stepping like this:

I'd prefer using an enumerator around Range#step or Fixnum#step instead.

Here are a few small comments and suggestion about your code. Maybe they are useful.

class Rg
include Enumerable

def initialize(from, to, step = sign(to - from))

What about String Ranges?

That was just meant as an example - implementing integer ranges. I probably should have pointed that out more clearly.

   raise ArgumentError, "Invalid step #{step}" if (to - from) * step <= 0
   @from, @to, @step = from, to, step
   @to += @step - ((@to - @from) % @step)

def each
   x = @from
   until x == @to

This is a problem -- there are Ranges that will never satisfy this condition. (Float ranges come to mind)

Yep, the int check is missing.

     yield x
     x += @step

def sign(x)
     when x > 0
     when x == 0

def sign(x); x <=> 0; end

Very nice! Then we don't need sign():

def initialize(from, to, step = ((to - from) <=> 0))


Kind regards

More regards,
Florian Gross

EMR (even more regards)
