i am picking default values that i am using in optparser class,
something like this...
options.logfile = LOGFILE
options.results_dir = Pathname.new(ENV['TEMP'])
PROG = Pathname.new($0).basename
EFIX = PROG.sub(/\..*$/,'')
LOGFILE = Pathname.new("#{ENV['TEMP']}/#{FPREFIX}.log")
Below is part of the code that is throwing following exception
fh = options.logfile.open('w') --> This line is failing
log = TeeLogger.new(fh,$stderr)
log.level = Logger::INFO
log = TeeLogger.new(fh,$stderr)
Im running it on eclipse and on also on cmd i get the same error....So
when i run=>
ruby opttest.rb
"C:/Users/user1/workspace/Test/opttest.rb:153:in `<main>': undefined
method `logfile' for #<OptionParser:0x2cace70> (NoMethodError)
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