Struct Question

Hi sir Jonas (aka Jonas Hoffmann []):

You asked last Thursday, December 26, 2002 5:58 PM:

i have a question about Structs , in the Book ‘Ruby in a
Nutshell’ is written
S = Struct::new(:foo, :bar)
s = S::new(1,2)
s => #


i receive with my Code Ruby v1.6.8 =>

tem = Struct::new(:foo, :bar)
meinstruct = tem::new(0,8)
puts meinstruct

=> #<#<Class 0lx4013ac0c>>

is this a change in a Rubyversion ? Or did i read the book wrongly ?

I have:
C:\family\ruby>ruby -v
ruby 1.7.3 (2002-11-17) [i386-mswin32]

C:\family\ruby>type a1.rb
tem = Struct::new(:foo, :bar)
meinstruct = tem::new(0,8)
p meinstruct
puts meinstruct


C:\family\ruby>ruby a1.rb
#<#Class:0x278a320 foo=0, bar=8>

I think code differs only on p vs puts…

mfg. Jonas Hoffmann

kind regards -botp