I am testing two strings to see if they are equal.
One string is just a simple string: "\17"
The other is parsed to: "\17"
You might think so, but nope:
=> "\u000F"
=> "\u00017"
=> "\u0001"
=> "\u0001"
=> "\u0001"
=> "\0017"
The \ causes things to be escaped, with the subsequent 3 digits being an
octal number. "\001" == "\01" == "\1", and "\1#{7}" == "\1" + "#{7}" ==
"\001" + "#{7}"
To see the octal base:
=> [1, 5, 1, 1, 8, 48]
since, for example, 6*8^1 = 48. And since it expects numbers 0-7, 8 breaks
you out of it:
=> "\u00008"
In other words, "\08" == "\008" == "\0008" == "\000" + "8". Finally, "\8"
== "8".
You can extend this to, e.g., "\xFA" for hexadecimal.
Beware the escaping character.
On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 20:16, Mike S. <antsinyourpants128@gmail.com> wrote: