String to Date/Time

Are there any String to DateTime conversion functions out there ?

Searched in RAA but did not get any … which kind of surprised me: surely,
I cannot be the first one to be asking for it :wink:

If no attempt is made in that direction yet, what would be the best starting
point for such an effort?
I am willing to devote some time and get it out there …

– shanko

Hm, how about a static method in class Time, maybe Time.parse(pattern =
“”) with replaced by the ISO default pattern
(something like “YYYY.MM…”)?

Alternatively you could introduce a class TimeParser that is constructed
with a pattern and can create Time instances from given strings.

Maybe even a combination of both would be good: use TimeParser in the static
method and provide this class for more control, such as dailight saving
switch, a fixed offset to every parsed time etc.

What do others think?


“Shashank Date” schrieb im Newsbeitrag

Are there any String to DateTime conversion functions out there ?

Searched in RAA but did not get any … which kind of surprised me:
I cannot be the first one to be asking for it :wink:

If no attempt is made in that direction yet, what would be the best


point for such an effort?
I am willing to devote some time and get it out there …

– shanko

Have a look at the ParseDate module, which is in the standard lib
distributed with Ruby. It’s documented in the PickAxe book at



Data Network Architecture Research Lab
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Cape Town +27-21-650-3127

Hm, how about a static method in class Time, maybe
Time.parse(pattern =“”) with
replaced by the ISO default pattern (something like

Yes, I will like to consider the ISO patterns even though
currently my “need of the day” does not require it to be.

Alternatively you could introduce a class TimeParser
that is constructed with a pattern and can create Time
instances from given strings.

I am looking at the ParseDate module that comes with the
standard distribution which can handle a subset of ISO-8601
formats among others. But it returns an array which I can
easily convert to a Time object.

On my WinXP Pro (ruby 1.6.8 (2002-12-24) [i586-mswin32]
something like:


On Friday, 2 May 2003 22:05:43 +0900, Robert wrote:


require ‘parsedate’

date = date /t
time = time /t
puts date, time if $DEBUG

a = ParseDate::parsedate(date + ’ ’ + time)
p a if $DEBUG

t = Time::local(*a)
p t #=> Sat May 03 17:57:00 Central Daylight Time 2003


What do you think ?
– shanko