Massimiliano Mirra [] helpfully
…I tried String.methods[40] n and got “to_a”.
Is it possible to do String.methods[40].man (or something like that)
See the thread beginning at [ruby-talk:30225]. I wanted to
see how few lines were needed to get in Ruby a feature that
some Pythonists were constantly bugging about. Guy Decoux
contributed some fixes and ideas offlist, so you won’t find
it all in the archives, but if you feel adventurous, I can
forward it to you.Massimiliano
pls do forward it sir Massimiliano.
I just wanted irb to be fully helpful (like inserting ri into it). Btw, I
notice (or maybe I just cannot find it) that the doc used by ri isn’t in
text form. I would like to modify the text/doc itself so that it would be
friendlier for us here. Eg, I could include comparison on how a certain
ruby code would be done if using rpg (right, the old ibm rpg)… This is
good for introducing ruby to us.
thank you -botp