String#% and a Hash

Ruby1.9 doesn't seem to accept hashes in the String#% method anymore.
I use this a lot in conjunction with gettext[1], and am basically
wondering if this is a language change or a 1.9 bug. It doesn't appear
to be documented in Ruby1.8 or Ruby1.9. Thanks.

Daniel Brumbaugh Keeney


Example? In 1.8.6, this excepts:

"blah %s %s" % {:a=>"blah", :b=>"blah"}

# => ArgumentError: too few arguments ...



On Dec 31, 1:34 am, Daniel Brumbaugh Keeney <> wrote:

Ruby1.9 doesn't seem to accept hashes in the String#% method anymore.
I use this a lot in conjunction with gettext[1], and am basically
wondering if this is a language change or a 1.9 bug. It doesn't appear
to be documented in Ruby1.8 or Ruby1.9. Thanks.

Daniel Brumbaugh Keeney


Ruby1.9 doesn't seem to accept hashes in the String#% method anymore.
I use this a lot in conjunction with gettext[1], and am basically
wondering if this is a language change or a 1.9 bug. It doesn't appear
to be documented in Ruby1.8 or Ruby1.9. Thanks.

Did it ever? I think you're referring to this, right?

Also you can write as:
_("%{filename} was not found") % {:filename => "foo.rb"}
_("%{filename1} and %{filename2} is not same file") % {:filename1 => "foo.rb",
                                                       :filename2 => "bar.rb"}
_("%{filename} is %{filesize} byte") % {:filename => "foo.rb",
                                        :filesize => 100}

that looks like a gettext extension of String#%, not part of 1.8 core:

>> s = '%{a}'; s.%("a" => 42)
ArgumentError: malformed format string - %{
  from (irb):8:in `%'
  from (irb):8

I know it works this way in python, and it is actually pretty nice.


On Dec 30, 2007, at 23:34 , Daniel Brumbaugh Keeney wrote: