Strange Encoding Behavior

The encoding of __FILE__ is always the same as Encoding.default_external
even if there is a magic column. Sometimes it is necessary to convert
the string into another encoding. Here is some code to demonstrate the

#coding: utf-8
    # put the script in a not-pure-ascii path to see the difference
    path = File.expand_path File.dirname __FILE__

      #=> "1.9.1 i386-mingw32" is my ruby version
    puts path.encoding
      #=> "GB2312" on my OS

    # usually this "string.encode to, from" works,
    # but HERE the new string's content bytes seems unchanged
    puts \
      path.encode 'utf-8', Encoding.default_external

    path.force_encoding Encoding.default_external
    puts path.encode 'utf-8'
      # changed at last


Posted via

At 1.9.1, and some part of 1.9.2 still display certain issues with
path/folders with non-ascii characters:


On Jan 17, 12:55 am, Lui Kore <> wrote:

The encoding of __FILE__ is always the same as Encoding.default_external
even if there is a magic column. Sometimes it is necessary to convert
the string into another encoding. Here is some code to demonstrate the

#coding: utf-8
# put the script in a not-pure-ascii path to see the difference
path = File.expand_path File.dirname __FILE__

puts RUBY\_VERSION \+ &#39; &#39; \+ RUBY\_PLATFORM
  \#=&gt; &quot;1\.9\.1 i386\-mingw32&quot; is my ruby version
puts path\.encoding
  \#=&gt; &quot;GB2312&quot; on my OS

\# usually this &quot;string\.encode to, from&quot; works,
\# but HERE the new string&#39;s content bytes seems unchanged
puts \\
  path\.encode &#39;utf\-8&#39;, Encoding\.default\_external

path\.force\_encoding Encoding\.default\_external
puts path\.encode &#39;utf\-8&#39;
  \# changed at last

Luis Lavena

I believe the point you are missing is that String#encode does not change the String but it returns a new String with the desired encoding. If you want inplace modification you need to use String#encode! which does just that.

irb(main):006:0> s="foo"
=> "foo"
irb(main):007:0> s.encoding
=> #<Encoding:UTF-8>
irb(main):008:0> x = s.encode "ASCII"
=> "foo"
irb(main):009:0> s.encoding
=> #<Encoding:UTF-8>
irb(main):010:0> x.encoding
=> #<Encoding:US-ASCII>

Kind regards



On 01/17/2010 04:55 AM, Lui Kore wrote:

The encoding of __FILE__ is always the same as Encoding.default_external
even if there is a magic column. Sometimes it is necessary to convert
the string into another encoding. Here is some code to demonstrate the

#coding: utf-8
    # put the script in a not-pure-ascii path to see the difference
    path = File.expand_path File.dirname __FILE__

      #=> "1.9.1 i386-mingw32" is my ruby version
    puts path.encoding
      #=> "GB2312" on my OS

    # usually this "string.encode to, from" works,
    # but HERE the new string's content bytes seems unchanged
    puts \
      path.encode 'utf-8', Encoding.default_external

    path.force_encoding Encoding.default_external
    puts path.encode 'utf-8'
      # changed at last

remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end

I think #1685 is a little bit different.
Maybe the following code is a bit clearer:

    # coding: ascii-8bit
    puts Encoding.default_external #=> GBK

    def enc s
      s.encode 'utf-8', Encoding.default_external
    p1 = File.expand_path File.dirname __FILE__
    p2 = p1.dup
    p2.force_encoding p2.encoding # strange, but makes it different

    puts p1 == p2 #=> true
    puts p1.encoding == p2.encoding #=> true
    puts enc(p1) == enc(p2) #=> sometimes false ???

Run in console:

    D:\其他>ruby t.rb

put it in another folder:

    D:\other>ruby t.rb

Luis Lavena wrote:


On Jan 17, 12:55�am, Lui Kore <> wrote:

� � � #=> "1.9.1 i386-mingw32" is my ruby version
� � � # changed at last

At 1.9.1, and some part of 1.9.2 still display certain issues with
path/folders with non-ascii characters:

Posted via\.

I know String#encode doesn't change the original string, but the result
is encoded.

To understand the problem, you should try in a gbk/shift-jis environment
with some Chinese or Japanese path.

The point is:
For some path p1 and p2,
when p1 == p2 and p1.encoding == p2.encoding,
p1.encode('utf-8') == p2.encode('utf-8') is not always true.

To describe it in a "encode!" version:
For some path p1 and p2,
when p1 == p2 and p1.encoding == p2.encoding,
p1 == p2 is still not always true

Robert Klemme wrote:


On 01/17/2010 04:55 AM, Lui Kore wrote:

      #=> "1.9.1 i386-mingw32" is my ruby version
      # changed at last

I believe the point you are missing is that String#encode does not
change the String but it returns a new String with the desired encoding.
  If you want inplace modification you need to use String#encode! which
does just that.

irb(main):006:0> s="foo"
=> "foo"
irb(main):007:0> s.encoding
=> #<Encoding:UTF-8>
irb(main):008:0> x = s.encode "ASCII"
=> "foo"
irb(main):009:0> s.encoding
=> #<Encoding:UTF-8>
irb(main):010:0> x.encoding
=> #<Encoding:US-ASCII>

Kind regards


Posted via\.

Apparently I misread your posting, sorry. Is UTF-8 capable of
representing those Japanese or Chinese characters? I believe I
remember Matz saying that UTF-8 is insufficient to properly represent
Japanese characters. If this is the case then I guess all bets are
off and you get undefined behavior. Although it might be desirable to
get the same garbage it may not be worthwhile to ensure this purely
for efficiency reasons.

Kind regards



2010/1/18 Lui Kore <>:

I know String#encode doesn't change the original string, but the result
is encoded.

To understand the problem, you should try in a gbk/shift-jis environment
with some Chinese or Japanese path.

The point is:
For some path p1 and p2,
when p1 == p2 and p1.encoding == p2.encoding,
p1.encode('utf-8') == p2.encode('utf-8') is not always true.

To describe it in a "encode!" version:
For some path p1 and p2,
when p1 == p2 and p1.encoding == p2.encoding,
p1 == p2 is still not always true

remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end