$stdout.sync = true in Ruby1.8


I’m using the debian package of Ruby 1.8 found on deb.ruby-lan.org.

ruby1.8 -v

ruby 1.8.0 (2003-08-01) [i386-linux]

The “$stdout.sync = true” doesn’t seem to work with this package.
The same script runned with Ruby 1.6 works well, but when I run it with
1.8 it doesn’t (each puts isn’t wrote in standart output immedialtly)
Is it a différence in Ruby 1.8, a bug, a pb in the binary ?



Cédric Foll



In message “$stdout.sync = true in Ruby1.8” on 03/08/02, Cedric Foll cedric.foll@ac-rouen.fr writes:

The “$stdout.sync = true” doesn’t seem to work with this package.
The same script runned with Ruby 1.6 works well, but when I run it with
1.8 it doesn’t (each puts isn’t wrote in standart output immedialtly)
Is it a diff�érence in Ruby 1.8, a bug, a pb in the binary ?

Could you describe how it differ, preferably with problem reproducing
