Stdin stdout -ing my program

i need to be able to run my program fully from the command line, instead
of 'ruby program.rb'....i need to pipe the commands using standard input
and output.
How would i do this with the code below?


require 'find'
res = []
Find.find("/") {|path| res << File.size( path).to_f if File.file?(
puts "Total Number of Files: #{res.length}"
puts "Average File Size: #{res.inject(0) {|sum, i| sum +
i}/res.length/1024} Kilobytes"
puts "Max File Size: #{res.max/1024}KB"
puts "Min File Size: #{res.min}KB"
puts "================================"
puts "================================"
res.delete_if {|b| b < 1}
puts "Weighted Average: #{res.inject(0) {|sum, i| sum +
i}/res.length/1024} Kilobytes"

# Lol Standard Deviation

def mean(res)
res.inject(0) {|sum, x| sum += x} / res.size.to_f / 1024
def mean_and_standard_deviation(res)
m = mean(res)
variance = res.inject(0) {|variance, x| variance += (x - m) ** 2}
Math.sqrt(variance/(res.size - 1)) / 1024
puts "Standard Deviation = #{mean_and_standard_deviation(res)}"



So how would i pipe find from a shell command?

Posted via

I'm not quite sure if I know what your question is. What do you want to
pipe into or out of your ruby program. Do you want to do something

    find /some/path -type f | ruby program.rb

and have ruby calculate sizes on your files and output summary

If that is the case then the file names appear on stdin of the ruby
program and you can do:

    $stdin.each_line do |file_path|
        res << File.size(file_path)

Is that what you are looking for?




On Mon, Aug 13, 2007 at 06:00:13AM +0900, Jon Hawkins wrote:

i need to be able to run my program fully from the command line, instead
of 'ruby program.rb'....i need to pipe the commands using standard input
and output.
How would i do this with the code below?


require 'find'
res =
Find.find("/") {|path| res << File.size( path).to_f if File.file?(
puts "Total Number of Files: #{res.length}"
puts "Average File Size: #{res.inject(0) {|sum, i| sum +
i}/res.length/1024} Kilobytes"
puts "Max File Size: #{res.max/1024}KB"
puts "Min File Size: #{res.min}KB"
puts "================================"
puts "================================"
res.delete_if {|b| b < 1}
puts "Weighted Average: #{res.inject(0) {|sum, i| sum +
i}/res.length/1024} Kilobytes"

# Lol Standard Deviation

def mean(res)
res.inject(0) {|sum, x| sum += x} / res.size.to_f / 1024
def mean_and_standard_deviation(res)
m = mean(res)
variance = res.inject(0) {|variance, x| variance += (x - m) ** 2}
Math.sqrt(variance/(res.size - 1)) / 1024
puts "Standard Deviation = #{mean_and_standard_deviation(res)}"

So how would i pipe find from a shell command?


Jeremy Hinegardner


    find /some/path -type f | ruby program.rb

and have ruby calculate sizes on your files and output summary

If that is the case then the file names appear on stdin of the ruby
program and you can do:

    $stdin.each_line do |file_path|
        res << File.size(file_path)

Is that what you are looking for?



require 'find'
res =
$stdin.each_line do |file_path|
  res << File.size(file_path)
puts "Total Number of Files: #{res.length}"


after trying the find /etc/ -type f | ruby program.rb
i get the following error that i cant seem to figure out

v2count.rb:6:in `size': No such file or directory - /etc/fstab
        from v2count.rb:6
        from v2count.rb:5:in `each_line'
        from v2count.rb:5


Posted via\.

> like:
> find /some/path -type f | ruby program.rb
> and have ruby calculate sizes on your files and output summary
> information?
> If that is the case then the file names appear on stdin of the ruby
> program and you can do:
> $stdin.each_line do |file_path|
> res << File.size(file_path)
> end
> Is that what you are looking for?
> enjoy,
> -jeremy

My mistake, file_path contains the "\n"

require 'find'
res =
$stdin.each_line do |file_path|
  res << File.size(file_path)

    res << File.size(file_path.strip)

puts "Total Number of Files: #{res.length}"

after trying the find /etc/ -type f | ruby program.rb
i get the following error that i cant seem to figure out

% find /etc/ -type f 2> /dev/null | ruby jon-h.rb
Total Number of Files: 232




On Tue, Aug 14, 2007 at 04:10:18AM +0900, Jon Hawkins wrote:


Jeremy Hinegardner

Worked like a charm, but i have yet one more question for you :slight_smile:

if i wanted to run it like this:

find /etc/ -type f | ./program.rb


how would i get it to the ./program.rb state
friend gave me the clue of the numbers 699 - 756.
I have no idea what that relates to.

Thanks a ton

Posted via

Make program.rb executable and set the shebang line correctly? E.g:

[alexg@powerbook]/Users/alexg(7): cat hi.rb
puts 'hi'
[alexg@powerbook]/Users/alexg(8): ruby hi.rb
[alexg@powerbook]/Users/alexg(9): ./hi.rb
tcsh: ./hi.rb: Permission denied.
[alexg@powerbook]/Users/alexg(10): chmod u+x hi.rb
[alexg@powerbook]/Users/alexg(11): ./hi.rb

Not sure about your friends hint. At first I thought they were the octal chmod strings for making files executable, but unless I'm missing something they don't seem to be...

Alex Gutteridge

Bioinformatics Center
Kyoto University


On 14 Aug 2007, at 12:00, Jon Hawkins wrote:

Worked like a charm, but i have yet one more question for you :slight_smile:

if i wanted to run it like this:

find /etc/ -type f | ./program.rb
how would i get it to the ./program.rb state
friend gave me the clue of the numbers 699 - 756.
I have no idea what that relates to.

Thanks a ton

-- Posted via\.