Status of WxRuby

Thanks for that update, Roy. I'm not a C-level programmer, so probably
would not compile source code, myself. If you do release a Windows
binary, however, I'll try to provide feedback.

I really like WxWidgets, and hope that I will eventually get good enough
with it and Ruby to develop cross platform applications. As you
probably know, but perhaps not others interested, a free PDF book has
become available about the library. It is the most authoritative book
on the subject, authored by some of the primary developers.

"Cross-Platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets"




-----Original Message-----
From: Roy Sutton []
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 11:56 PM
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: Re: Status of WxRuby

It's not quite time to get out the paddles yet. We are currently trying

to work around some issues with Swig which may or may not require
waiting for the next release of Swig. The project is actually pretty
close except for the major glaring holes that the Swig changes will
fix. There's no gem of wxRuby2 yet so you have to build it from the
source. We have been tossing around the idea of an alpha or beta
release sometime soon so that we can stir up some community interest and

get the feedback we need to push on to a release.


Jamal Mazrui wrote:

The WxRuby web page does not indicate recent activity. Is the 2.0
version still under active development?
