"stack level too deep"... because Threads keep their "starting" stack

It appears threads keep their callers stack. Reasonable. But they do
this when their caller was a thread, and it can lead to problems.

Is there any way to strip your calling context, or does it break the
language somehow? Is it needed for purposes other than debugging?


$ ruby18 xthrd.rb
................................................................................................................................................................................................................................stack level too deep

$ cat xthrd.rb

$stdout.sync = true

class Cache
  def resweep( period )
    Thread.new do
        #sleep( period )
        puts $!
        # $!.backtrace.each { |s| puts s }
        exit 1
      # then return, so we cease to exist, freeing our resources... right?

  def sweep_cache
    $stdout.write "."

c = Cache.new


loop do
  sleep 60


What I was trying to do was when I saw something needed to be done to
the cache in some amount of seconds, spin off a Thread that would sleep
for those seconds, then do the work.

However, the work might involve noticing new work to be done some time.
So, spin off another thread to do the work, and finish your own work. No
problem... ???

I'm going to do this differently, but I thought it was interesting and



In message "Re: "stack level too deep"... because Threads keep their "starting" stack" on Fri, 11 Feb 2005 13:19:53 +0900, Sam Roberts <sroberts@uniserve.com> writes:

Is there any way to strip your calling context, or does it break the
language somehow? Is it needed for purposes other than debugging?

No way to strip. It's a limitation of the current thread




>Is there any way to strip your calling context, or does it break the
>language somehow? Is it needed for purposes other than debugging?

No way to strip. It's a limitation of the current thread

This might work. This is only lightly tested, so there might be hidden
bugs, or issues I didn't think of. And it's not exactly the prettiest
code :slight_smile: Just a quick POC.

## unstacker.rb
require 'thread'

class Thread
  class ThreadUnstacker < Thread
    alias_method :kill!, :kill
    def kill() false end
  UNSTACKER = ThreadUnstacker.new do
    loop do
      request = THREADS_TO_CREATE.shift
      request[:thread] = Thread.new &request[:proc]
  def self.unstack(&block)
    request = {}
    request[:proc] = block
    request[:requester] = Thread.current
    THREAD_CREATION_MUTEX.synchronize do
      THREADS_TO_CREATE << request
      sleep until request[:thread]
    end # sync

## irb session:

def recurse(times, &block)
  times.zero?? block.call : recurse(times-1, &block)


recurse(2000){Thread.new{puts "caller.size: #{caller.size}"}}

caller.size: 2008
    ==>#<Thread:0x579644 dead>

recurse(2000){Thread.unstack{puts "caller.size: #{caller.size}"}}

caller.size: 12
    ==>#<Thread:0x5a3278 dead>



On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 13:25:05 +0900, Yukihiro Matsumoto <matz@ruby-lang.org> wrote:

In message "Re: "stack level too deep"... because Threads keep their "starting" stack" > on Fri, 11 Feb 2005 13:19:53 +0900, Sam Roberts <sroberts@uniserve.com> writes:


At Fri, 11 Feb 2005 13:25:05 +0900,
Yukihiro Matsumoto wrote in [ruby-talk:130440]:

>Is there any way to strip your calling context, or does it break the
>language somehow? Is it needed for purposes other than debugging?

No way to strip. It's a limitation of the current thread



Nobu Nakada



In message "Re: "stack level too deep"... because Threads keep their "starting" stack" on Sat, 12 Feb 2005 08:35:21 +0900, nobu.nokada@softhome.net writes:

No way to strip. It's a limitation of the current thread


I think only concern left is whether exporting block_pass(). Can you
commit your fix (to the HEAD), without exporting block_pass()?
