I'm getting ready to release a "release-candidate" of SQLite/Ruby 1.3.0. The only thing different about this one is that "arrayfields" is no longer a dependency.
I liked Sean's suggestion about leaving the "arrayfields" dependency up the programmer, so now you can have result set rows returned either as Hashes (the original behavior) or as arrays. If you are using arrays, then the result-set rows will have a new property, "fields" added to them (unless Array already responds to that property, as will be the case with arrayfields).
Hashes are used for rows, by default. To use arrays, just set the "use_array" property of your database instance to 'true'.
I like this much better than the way it was done in 1.2. Does this set better with those of you that didn't particularly like the way 1.2 did it? How about those of you that *did* like the way 1.2 did it?
Also, since I'm working on an update: any other "wish list" items you'd like to see in SQLite/Ruby?
Jamis Buck
ruby -ropenssl -e'k="01234567";p((c,c.padding,c.iv,c.key=OpenSSL::Cipher::BF.new,0,k,k*2)[0].decrypt.update("1A81803C452C324619D319F980D5B84DBB45FC0FE2BAA045".scan(/../).map{|n|n.to_i(16).chr}.join))'