SQLite/Ruby on Windows


Has anyone gotten SQLite/Ruby to build on windows. I am having a heck of a
time porting it. Barring that, any other libraries that interface Ruby and
SQLite under Windows would be of great help as well.

Any help would be appreciated.


–Jens Wessling

Jens Wessling wrote:


Has anyone gotten SQLite/Ruby to build on windows. I am having a heck of a
time porting it. Barring that, any other libraries that interface Ruby and
SQLite under Windows would be of great help as well.

Any help would be appreciated.


–Jens Wessling

It’s been done, but I’ll need to dig around to see if I can find the
information on how to do it (it was done by someone else, who later sent
me the info on what they did). No guarantee that I’ll find that info,
though… :frowning:

Seems like they used VC++. I’m not sure, but they may have had to
compile SQLite, too.

I’ll see what I can find, unless someone else beats me to the punch.


Jamis Buck

ruby -h | ruby -e
‘a=;readlines.join.scan(/-(.)[e|Kk(\S*)|le.l(…)e|#!(\S*)/) {|r| a <<
r.compact.first };puts “\n>#{a.join(%q/ /)}<\n\n”’

Jens Wessling wrote:

Has anyone gotten SQLite/Ruby to build on windows. I am having a heck of a
time porting it. Barring that, any other libraries that interface Ruby and
SQLite under Windows would be of great help as well.

Yeah, here:


I haven’t used it a whole lot yet, but the samples work :slight_smile:

One thing I noticed was that an SQLite operation in a different thread
than where the Ruby-SQLite object was created was hanging on me. I
thought since Ruby threads were non-native that the warning on the
SQLite web site wouldn’t apply. I moved it to the same thread and
things were peachy. Haven’t looked into the problem very deeply (and
probably won’t any time soon since things are working now.)

