Source code for Ruby Dev's Guide

Where is the source code for the book?
I checked with as the book said
but no luck.

s moon

s moon wrote:

Where is the source code for the book?
I checked with as the book said
but no luck.

In the upper right-hand corner of that web page is a form to either set
up an account, or log in to an existing account. Once you’ve logged in,
you will be able to navigate to a page with the RDG downloads.

Good luck,


“Lyle Johnson” wrote in message

s moon wrote:

Where is the source code for the book?
I checked with as the book said
but no luck.

In the upper right-hand corner of that web page is a form to either set
up an account, or log in to an existing account. Once you’ve logged in,
you will be able to navigate to a page with the RDG downloads.

Wonderful !
And I was wondering why I did not get the CD (as mentioned
on page 99, 2nd para).


Thanks a lot, Lyle.

Shashank Date wrote:

And I was wondering why I did not get the CD (as mentioned
on page 99, 2nd para).

I know that Syngress had originally planned to bundle a CD with the
book, but for whatever reason that never happened. Several references to
the ill-fated CD slipped by the editors. The only way to get the source
code is through their web site.

“Lyle Johnson” wrote in message

I know that Syngress had originally planned to bundle a CD with the
book, but for whatever reason that never happened. Several references to
the ill-fated CD slipped by the editors. The only way to get the source
code is through their web site.

And the (password protected) e-book too ! Great !