Sorting array with nils

I have been browsing but given answers are not suiting me.

I hava a double dim array like a dataset.
I thus *cannot* use compact since that would knock off rows. Some
answers say a nil cannot be compared to another datatype so the question
of putting such rows at the beginning or end does not arise.

I am trying to check for nils and using a "false/true" or -1/1 etc but
all are giving errors. Could someone help me out with this.

  def sort categ, column, descending=false
    d = get_records_for_category categ
    d = d.sort { |y,x|
      if descending
        if x[column].nil?
          true # <<<<------------- errors
        elsif y[column].nil?
          x[column] <=> y[column]
        if x[column].nil?
          1 # <<<-------------- gives errors
        elsif y[column].nil?
          y[column] <=> x[column]
    return d

Since its a double dim array, i cannot say what the datatype will be:
can be string, fixnum, date or true/false.

I figured since "A" <=> "B" reutrns -1,0 or 1, i should also put one of
these in the loop but it throws an error.



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(RK) Sentinel wrote:

  def sort categ, column, descending=false
    d = get_records_for_category categ
    d = d.sort { |y,x|
      if descending
        if x[column].nil?
          true # <<<<------------- errors --- yes of course, <=> expectes -1,0,1, not true/false
        elsif y[column].nil?
          false # <<<<------------- errors too, for the same reason
          x[column] <=> y[column]
        if x[column].nil?
          1 # <<<-------------- gives errors --- no, should not
        elsif y[column].nil?
          y[column] <=> x[column]
    return d

A solution (untested):
class Uncomparable
  def initialize(always_less=true)
    @compare = always_less ? -1 : 1

  def <=>(other)
    Uncomparable === other ? 0 : @compare
d.sort_by { |row| row[column] || Uncomparable(!descending) }

Depending on what end you want the nils, you have to change !descending
to just descending.



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(RK) Sentinel wrote:

I have been browsing but given answers are not suiting me.

I figured since "A" <=> "B" reutrns -1,0 or 1, i should also put one of
these in the loop but it throws an error.


My apologies:

did some further debugging and one Time value format was different from
the others.
It is okay to use -1 and 1 after checking for nil?.



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