Would any of you smart folks like to tell me what stupid thing I am doing here?
At this point I have a test program that just uses plain MRI, no gems. If I keep running it, it will eventually fail (after a dozen runs at most). Code at the end of this post.
What I'm doing is creating a lot of identical threads. In each one I stop immediately, and then after the thread is re-entered, set a thread variable to say the thread is done then stop again. I run them all, and then check they are all done.
The problem is, sometimes they aren't all done. Which makes no sense to me. Either `thread#run` sometimes doesn't wake a thread, or doesn't pass control to the thread; or something is wrong with thread variables?
require "time"
def make_thread(idx)
Thread.new do
# Set things up and wait
Thread.current[:idx] = idx
# do the work, then say we're done
Thread.current[:done] = true
threads = []; 1.upto(200){|i| threads << make_thread(i) }
starttm = Time.now
# Do the work
threads.each{|t| t.run }
# Wait until all work is done or we time out
sleep 0.1 until (threads.all?{|t| t[:done] } || Time.now >= starttm + 10)
# If all work is not done, something has gone very wrong?
fails = threads.reject{|t| t[:done] }
if fails.size > 0
puts "FAIL"
fails.each{|e| puts "#{e[:idx]}: #{e.alive?}" }
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