Solution to last weeks, as an mixin to the Numeric class

(a solution to quiz #25)


Begin forwarded message:

From: Todd Nathan <>
Date: April 6, 2005 8:38:15 PM CDT
Subject: Solution to last weeks, as an mixin to the Numeric class

I wrote this a while ago in Sensetalk and missed you contest.
Here is my ruby translation. Works well, with negative, zero
and positives, all the way up to 10**303.... :slight_smile:

maybe you can add it to your collection :slight_smile:
I'll be working on some more as time allows.
Hopefully you all find this useful.


PS. It also handles British and English/American
units. I was going to do German, but I don't speak it well enough
or have the inclination. Maybe some of the Rubyist in Munich
could work on it.