[Solution] [Quiz] Turtle Graphics (#104)

My second solution.
This solution pass the unit test.
It tests all parameters also makes sure 0.0 <= @heading < 360.0

# Created by Morton Goldberg on November 02, 2006.
# Modified on November 14, 2006
# turtle.rb

# An implementation of Turtle Procedure Notation (TPN) as described in
# H. Abelson & A. diSessa, "Turtle Geometry", MIT Press, 1981.


# Turtles navigate by traditional geographic coordinates: X-axis pointing
# east, Y-axis pointing north, and angles measured clockwise from the
# Y-axis (north) in degrees.

class Turtle
   include Math # turtles understand math methods
   DEG = Math::PI / 180.0

   attr_accessor :track
   alias run instance_eval

   def initialize

   attr_reader :xy, :heading

   # Place the turtle at [x, y]. The turtle does not draw when it changes
   # position.
   def xy=(coords)
     @xy = point(coords)

   # Set the turtle's heading to <degrees>.
   def heading=(degrees)
     @heading = degree(degrees)

   # Raise the turtle's pen. If the pen is up, the turtle will not draw;
   # i.e., it will cease to lay a track until a pen_down command is given.
   def pen_up
     @pen = false

   # Lower the turtle's pen. If the pen is down, the turtle will draw;
   # i.e., it will lay a track until a pen_up command is given.
   def pen_down
     @pen = true

   # Is the pen up?
   def pen_up?

   # Is the pen down?
   def pen_down?

   # Places the turtle at the origin, facing north, with its pen up.
   # The turtle does not draw when it goes home.
   def home
     @xy = point([0.0, 0.0])
     @heading = 0.0

   # Homes the turtle and empties out it's track.
   def clear
     @track = []

   # Turn right through the angle <degrees>.
   def right(degrees)
     degrees = degree(degrees)
     @heading = degree(@heading + degrees)

   # Turn left through the angle <degrees>.
   def left(degrees)

   # Move forward by <steps> turtle steps.
   def forward(steps)
     raise ArgumentError unless steps.is_a?(Numeric)
     angle = (90 - @heading) * DEG
     x = @xy.x + steps * cos(angle)
     y = @xy.y + steps * sin(angle)
     go [x,y]

   # Move backward by <steps> turtle steps.
   def back(steps)

   # Move to the given point.
   def go(pt)
     pt = point(pt)
     if pen_down?
       if !@track.empty? && @track.last.last == @xy
         @track.last << pt
         @track << [@xy, pt]
     @xy = pt

   # Turn to face the given point.
   def toward(pt)
     pt = point(pt)
     @heading = degree(90 - atan2(pt.y - @xy.y, pt.x - @xy.x) / DEG)

   # Return the distance between the turtle and the given point.
   def distance(pt)
     pt = point(pt)
     sqrt((@xy.x - pt.x) ** 2 + (@xy.y - pt.y) ** 2)

   # Traditional abbreviations for turtle commands.
   alias fd forward
   alias bk back
   alias rt right
   alias lt left
   alias pu pen_up
   alias pd pen_down
   alias pu? pen_up?
   alias pd? pen_down?
   alias set_h heading=
   alias set_xy xy=
   alias face toward
   alias dist distance


   def point(pt)
     raise ArgumentError unless pt.is_a?(Array) &&
       pt.size == 2 && pt.all? {|e| e.is_a?(Numeric) }
     pt = pt.dup
     def pt.x; self[0]; end
     def pt.y; self[1]; end

   def degree(degrees)
     raise ArgumentError unless degrees.is_a?(Numeric)
     degrees += 360.0 while degrees < 0.0
     degrees -= 360.0 while degrees >= 360.0

David Tran wrote:

     degrees += 360.0 while degrees < 0.0
     degrees -= 360.0 while degrees >= 360.0

These two lines can be replaced with:

degrees %= 360

And the resulting method will run much faster if the degrees argument is


Paul Lutus