[SOLUTION] [QUIZ] Hello, world? (#158)

Hmmm.....I meant for all those "end.call(&meth do"'s to be "end.call &(meth do". Interesting it still works.


----- Original Message ----
From: James Koppel <jamesbkoppel@yahoo.com>
To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org
Sent: Sunday, March 2, 2008 8:31:55 PM
Subject: [SOLUTION] [QUIZ] Hello, world? (#158)

module Kernel
  def meth(&block)
    def o.__call(&b)
      instance_eval &@block
    def o.yiel

meth do
  puts "!"
end.call &(meth do
  proc do
    print "d"
end.call(&meth do
  proc do
    print "l"
end.call(&meth do
  proc do
    print "r"
end.call(&meth do
  proc do
    print "o"
end.call(&meth do
  proc do
    print "w"
end.call(&meth do
  proc do
    print " "
end.call(&meth do
  proc do
    print ","
end.call(&meth do
  proc do
    print "o"
end.call(&meth do
  proc do
    print "l"
end.call(&meth do
  proc do
    print "l"
end.call(&meth do
  proc do
    print "e"
end.call(&meth do
  print "H"


I couldn't find a way to truly make blocks accept blocks. Anyone have anything better than my close substitute?

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