Hi everyone,
I'm using ruby 1.8.7 p334 on windows.
My code below is really simple, but there's something wrong if the ftp
lasts for a long time:
#code begin
require 'net/ftp'
require 'time'
ftp = Net::FTP.new("")
ftp.login("mlog_123_usr", "MLog_123_pwd")
puts Time.now()
puts ftp.list
ftp.putbinaryfile("D:\\version\\XXX.cc") # here
puts Time.now()
#code end
My destination host is very slow, so uploading a file(about 5M) can take
about 15 minutes, then ruby.exe cann't exit forever(I see from the host
to make sure the file has been uploaded and there's no existing
If the uploading can be finished in a few seconds, everything is OK.
I've tried both the 1.8.6&1.8.7 version, they behaved the same way.
I traced the raw codes in ftp.rb, and found it was stopped when
#ruby code
def getline
line = @sock.readline # if get EOF, raise EOFError
line.sub!(/(\r\n|\n|\r)\z/n, "")
if @debug_mode
print "get: ", sanitize(line), "\n"
return line
private :getline
#ruby code
Is it because of my host not giving ruby.exe correct response, or
because of ruby itself?
Thanks a lot.
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
I would assume it to be unlikely that it is a bug in Ruby's FTP
library. Rather I would assume that you either have network trouble -
or do not wait long enough. Did you try to debug the network with a
network monitor (e.g. Wireshark)?
On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 11:25 AM, Fengfeng Li <lifengfeng@huawei.com> wrote:
Hi everyone,
I'm using ruby 1.8.7 p334 on windows.
My code below is really simple, but there's something wrong if the ftp
lasts for a long time:
#code begin
require 'net/ftp'
require 'time'
ftp = Net::FTP.new("")
ftp.login("mlog_123_usr", "MLog_123_pwd")
puts Time.now()
puts ftp.list
ftp.putbinaryfile("D:\\version\\XXX.cc") # here
puts Time.now()
#code end
My destination host is very slow, so uploading a file(about 5M) can take
about 15 minutes, then ruby.exe cann't exit forever(I see from the host
to make sure the file has been uploaded and there's no existing
If the uploading can be finished in a few seconds, everything is OK.
I've tried both the 1.8.6&1.8.7 version, they behaved the same way.
I traced the raw codes in ftp.rb, and found it was stopped when
#ruby code
def getline
line = @sock.readline # if get EOF, raise EOFError
line.sub!(/(\r\n|\n|\r)\z/n, "")
if @debug_mode
print "get: ", sanitize(line), "\n"
return line
private :getline
#ruby code
Is it because of my host not giving ruby.exe correct response, or
because of ruby itself?
remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end