SOAP WSDL Question (ignored element)

Hi folks,

I'm writing a tool in Ruby that need to talk to an ASP.NET SOAP web service.

All's well and the code works fine but when creating the wdsl driver like so...

wsdl_driver ="http://someurl/blah.asmx?WSDL")

I get the following warnings on stderr...

ignored element: {}binding
ignored element: {}operation
ignored element: {}body
ignored element: {}address

I'm pretty new too Ruby so sorry if this is a daft question but how do I supress those messages? (aside from wrapping the whole thing in bash and redirecting stderr! :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance,

j i m c r o f t y a t g o o g l e m a i l . c o m


Jim wrote:

wsdl_driver ="http://someurl/blah.asmx?WSDL"\)

I get the following warnings on stderr...

ignored element: {}binding
ignored element: {}operation
ignored element: {}body
ignored element: {}address

I'm pretty new too Ruby so sorry if this is a daft question but how do I
supress those messages? (aside from wrapping the whole thing in bash and
redirecting stderr! :slight_smile:

Those messages are dumped with 'warn' method. You can change $VERBOSE
to control it.

  def suppress_warning
    back = $VERBOSE
    $VERBOSE = nil
      $VERBOSE = back

  wsdl_driver = suppress_warning {"http://someurl/blah.asmx?WSDL"\)

// NaHi