SOAP simple and complex types

I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction here. I am
trying to put together a soap client that has some pretty complex
messaging structures, and I have run into a problem with how to pass
data that isn't a native type(int,string,etc)

here is a sample of what the XML should look like

    <!--element name=TRANS-NUM type=unit:RPC-trans minOccurs=1
maxOccurs=1 -->
        <!--simpleType name=RPC-trans base=xsd:unsignedInt -->

if I try to pass the value to the a method like this

arguments = {"TRANS-NUM" =>rpc_trans}
parameters = {"args" => arguments}
puts obj.method(parameters)

I get <TRANS-NUM xsi:nil="true"></TRANS-NUM> I looked through all of
the files generated by wsdl2ruby.rb, and I don't see that any RPC-trans
or TRANS-NUM classes
were generated, so I am unsure how to make this work. Does anyone have
any ideas?



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