SOAP and ASP.Net Web Services

I am attempting to connect to an ASP.Net web service
using SOAP4R 1.5.4.

I am getting the infamous:

   Server did not recognize the value of the HTTP Header
   SOAPAction: http://<deleted>.com/Delta

This is with setting the SOAP action explicitly using:

stub.add_method_with_soapaction('Delta', 'http://<deleted>.com/Delta)')

The example generated by the service shows "http://<deleted>.com/Delta"
as being the required SOAP Action - they appear to match.

Ideas? Is there a secret handshake? I'm starting to go bald...

Ruby code is appended to end of this message.


require 'soap/rpc/driver'
wiredump_dev = nil

stub ="", "http://<deleted>.com")

stub.wiredump_dev = wiredump_dev

stub.default_encodingstyle = SOAP::EncodingStyle::ASPDotNetHandler::Namespace

stub.add_method_with_soapaction('Delta', 'http://<deleted>.com/Delta)')

puts stub.Delta()

Xevious wrote:

I am getting the infamous:

> Server did not recognize the value of the HTTP Header
> SOAPAction: http://<deleted>.com/Delta

Please disregard - this was completely a typo issue.
